****** DIY chicken feeder pipe! ******

I found the video icon but it wants a "URL or Embed code".
Sorry about that Sondacop:( I though I seen a way to upload the video to this site but nope. You can always make a youtube channel and post your videos here:)
Update on my pipe feeder:

Everything is just fine. The 45 degree angle worked just fine, neither more nor less feed dropping than with the 90 degree turn on my original. However, there IS something that I now know I have to do. The chicken wire on the original cage, the one with the peaked roof, is NOT doing the job of keeping wild birds out. They are getting in between the wires, and eating the food. I also have to put some sort of cap on top of the pipe, even as close to the roof as it is.

I was checking out the entire run last night to see what I could do better, or rather than, what I have already done, and I glanced into the pipe to see how much food was in there. Guess what I found on top of the feed, about 12 to 18 inches below the top of the pipe.


It got in ... but couldn't get out.

I had to reach in there and actually grab hold of the bird, and lift it out of the pipe. I also had to take out a few inches from the top of the feeder, where the bird had let it's displeasure be known on how it felt about the world letting it get trapped inside a feeder. It had plenty to EAT, but probably wanted something liquid to wash it down, but in the mean time, it still defecated inside the pipe and THAT would not be healthy for my chickens.

And all this really surprises me. I am feeding pellets, not something small, and from the looks of these birds, the size of the pellets doesn't seem to effect the fact that my chickens food is as good as the wild bird feed I used to put out. I don't feed the wild birds any more, because I felt that since they came in suck large numbers, it may be detrimental to my chickens. Hey, what do I know from nothin', right?

Anyway, I guess my next project, even more important than replacing the pallet/door, will be to put more chicken wire over the old, to make the openings smaller, hoping to deter the wild birds.

Does it EVER end? (sigh)


Buddy, lets hope it never ends. Otherwise we would get board;) LOL!! Have you though of getting an end cap and modifying it to fit the pipe?
Buddy, lets hope it never ends. Otherwise we would get board;) LOL!! Have you though of getting an end cap and modifying it to fit the pipe?
Well, I had thought of a cap, but as you can see in that photo, the roof just barely clears the flip top when I bring it down, I am talking millimeters. But I did the next best thing, I took some chicken wire, doubled it and then doubled it again. NOTHING is getting in there now. And I am going to have to put more chicken wire around the exterior, just to keep the wild birds out, or think of SOMETHING. I free range these gals (and Roo) and the ONLY way I can see is to double wrap the entire run area PLUS the door and have to close it, and that won't do, they are now finally laying IN THE COOP in the nesting boxes I built.

Yeah, you're right, it never ends, thank God, because then we would get bored and give up on everything.

And now that I have my thinking cap on, I am going to re-bend that doubled and doubled again chicken wire so that I can place it INSIDE the tube instead of outside, THAT should work. Once I get it done I'll shoot some pictures and show you what I mean. I just filled the tube today so I won't have to mess with it again for several days. I'll do that install in a few days when I have to refill the tube with feed.

We have had some real rain here in the past several days, and no moisture got inside the tube (or the run for that matter) so I feel pretty good that my idea will work.

Since the PVC feeders didn't fit the way I wanted I thought I'd show you my alternative. Gutter material works good too.

These are for my hoop coops. They are 3ft 4 in tall and hold about 25 pounds of feed. I made 6 out of 2 10ft gutter drains and 12-90 degree angles.

This is a feeder i made out of 4" drain pipe a 4"pipe adapter and a 6" fence cap.Its 24"inches tall and hold about 10lbs of food.The nice thing about it is it sits on a hardwood stand and is removable for filling.
This is a feeder i made out of 4" drain pipe a 4"pipe adapter and a 6" fence cap.Its 24"inches tall and hold about 10lbs of food.The nice thing about it is it sits on a hardwood stand and is removable for filling.
This is VERY sweet. Can you show more pictures to show what goes where? I enlarged the picture but that didn't help much.

Thanks in advance.


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