****** DIY chicken feeder pipe! ******

I think now is a good time to post my feed pipe video and my wife's DIY chicken treats video:)

Chicken treats...

Pipe feeder...

Adjusting the feed level...
I have moisture in the top of the pipe...Is this normal and can it be prevented? I love my pipe setup....I have 2 of them now.....

Lets see if we can fix them. Please take photo's of connecting areas so I can understand where the leaking is happening:)

You know for sure the feed on the bottom is not wet as well? I cannot see that fitting very good on the top but it does not look like it can leak at the top since the fitting looks like it is overlapping the feed pipe.

Let me mock up this photo to show you some areas of concern.

See at the top where the arrows are? There is no holes there right? If there is that is your issue. You will need to get a fitting that will fit over the top of the pipe with no holes;) See where I circled? If there is no holes on the top or sides of that fitting there is no way for the water to leak into the top. That would rule that area out.

Okay, now the blue lines are water flowing down the pipe right down to the elbow connection. The water can get in that spot if the pipe is not pushed together really good. You may even have to glue that spot.

That does not really explain that feed at the top being wet but chicken feed tends to act like a sponge. With that said if it leaks in that spot I circled then the water will take over ALL the feed in the pipe. So, I think with the info given to me your feed pipe is full of wet feed:(

I hope that helps my friend!
The cap does overlap on the top....I know none can get in that way but it has been humid here with lots of rain. Might just be condensation at highest vertical point? Any advice would be great mat2dong.....

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