Depression or what?


May 20, 2019
I am not sure if this is the right category for this question, because it may be considered a more behavioral thing, but...
Anyways I have a turken, aka naked neck chicken, I got her at the end of March, or early april, either way she is only a few months old and not laid her first egg yet. I got her along with two silkies. One of the silkies died a few weeks ago, but her legs were deformed and she struggled to walk and I was somewhat expecting her to not make it sadly :( ... I still questioned it but I live in southeast Georgia, so it has been extremely hot and humid, and my sister, who also raises chickens, suggested maybe it was the intense heat because she also had some baby chicks die.
I made sure to change the water daily and fed them, kept their area clean aswell. I was away this weekend and while I was away, my other silkie died. My mother, who was looking after my chickens, claims that the silkie was perfectly fine and moving around and chirping and pecking "not even a hour ago." So I guess she died suddenly.
I went to go feed my turken this morning, and she is all alone now, the silkie died just yesterday, and she just seems depressed. She is falling asleep alot, she seems unmotivated and just wants to sit or stand in one place. I was concerned so I called my sister, who recommended that I need to get her a friend, and to force her to drink water or eat. I have been giving her water and she even ate a little today, she just seems really disinterested in everything and closes her eyes. I dont know what to do.. I really dont want to take her to the vet because I don't really have that kind of money.. Her poop looks fine, she has been pooping regularly, I dont feel anything abnormal on her, could she just be depressed cause shes lonely? I also read somewhere that turkens do not really share the same behavior as the average chicken.
Sorry for your loss. I would get some fresh droppings tested by a local vet for possible coccidiosis and worms. Coccidiosis is treated by Corid (amprollium) in the water. Dosage is 10 ml (2 tsp) of the liquid Corid per gallon of water for 5-7 days. If using the powder Corid add 1 1/2 tsp per gallon.

It is a shame that you didn’t send the slikies body into the state vet for testing, since that is the best way to know the cause of death. Having another die recently, then I would worry about something contageous. Chickens are best with other chickens. Hopefully your pullet is not sick, but you may need to do some exploring.
Sorry for your loss. I would get some fresh droppings tested by a local vet for possible coccidiosis and worms. Coccidiosis is treated by Corid (amprollium) in the water. Dosage is 10 ml (2 tsp) of the liquid Corid per gallon of water for 5-7 days. If using the powder Corid add 1 1/2 tsp per gallon.

It is a shame that you didn’t send the slikies body into the state vet for testing, since that is the best way to know the cause of death. Having another die recently, then I would worry about something contageous. Chickens are best with other chickens. Hopefully your pullet is not sick, but you may need to do some exploring.

Thank you, I have been researching that.. I plan to go as soon as the feed store opens tomorrow to see if they have some.
Any kind of buttermilk, or plain yogurt. If she won’t eat the yogurt, add some egg into it.
Will do... but oddly she just started acting the best she has all day, I walked away and she followed me and started acting normal. I'm still going to go get some corrid tomorrow just to be safe though.

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