
  1. EquiAsh95

    Breed of Turken?

    Would this guy be some type of Rhode Island Red? Wanting to incubate some eggs and was just curious what type of mix he might be. He’s a handsome guy and has a lovely attitude.
  2. G

    Lavender Ameracauna Rooster and mystery mom?

    I originally hatched it out in an incubator and then slipped him/her under a broody silkie who is now her mom. Dad is definitely a Lavender Ameracauna I have a lot of breeds of hens but majority of Lavender's babies are black. So why is this little guy/gal WHITE?! The neck in a video when...
  3. Konstantinos

    Wyandotte vs Turken BROODINESS

    Turkens or Wyandottes???
  4. EquiAsh95


    Hello my name is Ashley, currently living in Tennessee and I am now obsessed with chickens ahah. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes, started in May of this year! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 16 but have 8 more coming in December (the number...
  5. F

    Large mass on and behind my roosters comb...anyone know what it is?

    I have an naked neck turken rooster. He is around 2 years old. The other day I was cleaning their coop and noticed that he had a large yellow crusty looking mass on his comb. Im not real sure when it first started forming because he has a somewhat large comb that flops over to one side and it...
  6. K

    Break my heart

    So I have a new flock of 9 that are almost 6 weeks old. 2 of them are Naked Necks, which I've come to find out may be the most loving chicken in the world. The black one here taking the#1 spot. I was getting excited thinking of all the places we'd go together until last week when suddenly this...
  7. Mr D

    Hoover Hatchery Naked Necks (Turkens)

    Are Naked Necks (Turkens) from Hoover Hatchery pure? Or do they mix them with other breeds and, given that the naked neck genes are dominant, just call the Naked Necks?
  8. RBFchicks

    Turken hatchlings - anyone want to play "guess the mom" and/or "guess the adult color" with me?

    Okay so about a month ago, my beloved Rudy the Turken rooster succumbed to his injuries after fighting off some sort of predator. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but he and one hen were missing at bedtime, couldn't find any sign of either of them anywhere, and Rudy literally hobbled in...
  9. Holdthechicken

    John and Yolko.. the naked neck pair

    This is John and Yolko. I learned of naked necks and had to have some, so my own sweet partner made a three hour round trip drive to surprise me with these two from a local breeder. We bought them straight run, but John showed himself early. They were hatched march 10 so they are only 8 weeks...
  10. Barbedwirecat

    12+ Naked Neck Turken Chicken Hatching Eggs Mixed colors LF Aloha and more

    12+ Dozen Eggs for $30 plus shipping (Updated for sale thread from this one: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/12-naked-neck-turken-chicken-hatching-eggs-mixed-colors-lf.1001674/ ) Please Message me if you would like smaller or larger numbers of eggs! I do a minimum of 6+ and a Max of 2...
  11. Holdthechicken

    Naked neck possible cockerel?

    3 weeks old today, I got this chick locally with another yellow but now white chick, I asked if they were crossed with anything and the breeder said “no they are 100% Transylvania turkens”… but my little black chick has ended up barred and he also had 50 barred rocks for sale so I’m thinking mom...
  12. M

    Big Chongus: the biggest green egg I've ever seen has hatched

    A few weeks ago, the kind woman I bought my incubator from offered me 12 free eggs to start my hatching journey. Peering into the basket, I saw many shades of green and dark brown eggs. One by one I sorted through which eggs I wanted until my hand paused on the largest green egg that I have ever...
  13. FarmrGirl

    ISO NN Turkens

    Looking for full sized NN Turken eggs to ship to Maryland. A diversity of plumage color is great but black or blue would get me off to a good start. If you're interested in a swap I have lots of heritage/rare chickens, ducks, turkey's, and geese. Thanks!
  14. Shabby Chic-Hens

    has anyone ever tried this...

    has anyone ever made a frizzle, naked neck, cochin, polish mix? 'cause I think that would look (mom says like kentucky derby fried chicken) very... um... interesting... I don't want to hurt any chicken's feelings, but that mix would look like a fluffy footed turken that had been electrocuted...
  15. Sheepheart

    Scalped Turken

    So my mother got some Turken chicks, and I loved them as they have great personalities and make good decisions, now they have gotten to an age where they’ve decided to establish a pecking order and getting into small skirmishes, nothing had been very serious but I had one come up to me with its...
  16. C

    Turken Roo?

    Pretty sure this is a rooster. Thoughts?
  17. A

    Please help with Gender

    Hello, I have a few young birds that I would like to know your thoughts on for gender. These chickens are about 7 weeks old. The Turken has two photos. Thanks for your input.
  18. OrlandoMama

    Roo turken?

    Hi! I’m pretty sure this is a roo because of the comb size and colors compared to my other girls but I wanted to ask for a second opinion. Any thoughts? This is my first batch of turkens. Also long shot but any ideas with the silkie? *the cage is temporary, currently deep cleaning the brooder*
  19. CrazyCrevecoeur

    Mystery: Turken born with feathered neck?!

    Somehow, and I’m dumbfounded by this, the Turken x Ameraucana mix which hatched has neck feathers?! I may be mistaken, but for the longest time I’ve known for a fact that the Turken gene in chickens is always dominant, no matter what the cross is? Am I right? I thought that they only needed one...
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