Delayed shipping success stories?? Please?

I went ahead & bought some chicks from our feed store. I'll go back next week for some Buff Orpintons. It looks like I won't get my wyandottes, welsummers, brahamas, or australorps
. I did get 2 black sex links, 2 golden sex links, 2 Easter eggers, & 2 Delawares. I called Ideal & they said most of their Tuesday shipments are who knows where due to weather & Fed Ex issues. I guess they use Fed Ex to ship from hatchery. They said Fed Ex quit shipping on Tuesday. They didn't even have a tracking # for me.
Received email from Ideal this afternoon. They said call before noon (Central time) if I haven't received chicks. Thanks to BYC, I was able to treat pasty butt on 4/8 I purchased today. One little gal was really plugged up. Sent a stream about 1 1/2 long on my hand after cleaning her butt. All doing fine now
Cherie, I am so sorry. Mine arrived today, also. Phone call at 7:20. I could hear chirping, so I knew some were alive, I couldn't believe it. When I opened the box, one DOA, & 3 looking iffy. As of now, 2 dead, one almost dead, & one wobbly. 20 chicks sent, 4 days in transit, only 3 - 4 losses. I think the difference was, mine were coming to Ca where it is very warm here. Upper 70s today. Again, I am so sorry for you & your babies.
My hatch time was 10:00am on the 03/03.. That means mine were starting to dehydrate and starve at 10:00am yesterday.. I found out my travel route is suppose to be hatchery to Bryan TX.. They take about two hours in house before shipping to IAH (Houston)..then its straight to GSP(south Carolina.. There it takes about 3 hours to process and travel before arriving to my local PO. The weather next week is suppose to be 41° at its lowest.. Today's high is in upper 60°s.. That's what its suppose to be like this time of I have my replacement order scheduled for wed the 11th.

I'm so glad that your babies made it and I wish you and them the've been so supportive and I'm grateful.

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