Dark Brahma chicks Standard Not Bantams

Tammy N

12 Years
Oct 9, 2011
Florence Oregon
Hey all i am having a hard time finding the Dark Brahma except Murray Mc Murray and i want to get my boy some girls is there anyone who has them ? Tammy
Ill just say I called and WOW
remember (you get what you pay) for and there is such a differance between hatchery and show birds its like night and day !!!! like i said it coast as much to feed a hatchery bird as it does to raise a show type bird so why not raise the best possiabile ... think about it like this if you breed lg darks good quality birds then you can sell them for a fair price but if you raise hatchry stock then you will eathier give them away or eat them something to think about ??? try american brama club . com and see if some one there can help you !!!! would love to see someone breeding and raising quality dark brahmas .. take care and good luck john :)
My Girl is 12 Labs and my boys are Bigger so i think id like something to go with them i do not want to breed mom to her sons the guy was rude when i called thats all.
well i never talked to him just seen him ads and i do alot of resarch on here alot of people have good things to say about him and his birds sorry he was rude !!! but try .... the american brahma club some one there might help or go on here to the brahma forum . u might find some there sorry for every thing just trying to help john :)
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I do not want bantams , here is my hen Molly i like her size ,temperment and color she is the sweetest hen i know even nicer then my BO hens
well i never talked to him just seen him ads and i do alot of resarch on here alot of people have good things to say about him and his birds sorry he was rude !!! but try .... the american brahma club some one there might help or go on here to the brahma forum . u might find some there sorry for every thing just trying to help john :
I migh have called at a bad time i am in oregon
I do not want bantams , here is my hen Molly i like her size ,temperment and color she is the sweetest hen i know even nicer then my BO hens
there are people in the american brahma club that raise large fowl brahmas not just batams ! and if you go to the BYC brahma forum you will find some people there that have brahmas also . i never bought from them but stromberg hatcery also raises what they say is show quality dark brahmas in LG FOWL they are the only hatchery that claims to have show quality so maybe give them a try ??? Call To Order (800) 720-1134 IT SAY 5 CHICKS COAST 49.00 THAT INCLUDS SHIPING???

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