Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

I have not made bone broth, but I would like to learn.

No I have not soaked in a hot bath as my tub is upstairs and I seldom get up the stairs.
Mine too, but I sleep upstairs. So every morning I soak for at least 30 minutes. Water stays pretty hot since I insulated the tub when it was installed. Helps decrease aches and pains.
I have not made bone broth, but I would like to learn.

No I have not soaked in a hot bath as my tub is upstairs and I seldom get up the stairs.
My version of bone broth, I take a carcass of chicken or turkey. Cook it in water for at least half an hour. Remove solids, let them cool and take off remaining meat. Cook another half an hour. Add bouillon cubes. I add veggies because I need to eat more of them. Add garlic, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper to taste. Hubby loves it and so do I.
If I wanted more bone marrow I would crush some of the bigger bones too. Might have to strain it then.

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