Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good afternoon one and all!

Tea is ready.

Temperature is in the 70s with rain expected.

Have a great day!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The shingles have taken a lot out of me.

I had chicken broth for supper last night and I never thought I would say it was good.

My whole body is sore.
Did you make bone broth? I think it's really good for you. Have you soaked in a hot bath?
Hello everyone! I set up a pot of coffee to automatically brew in the morning at about 6am. Enjoy!

I'll be off on my trek to Portland to get my semi-annual scan early in the morning. It will be a long day, but worth it. They are taking good care of me and keeping an eye on things! Can't complain about that.

Hopefully I will be able to come in tomorrow afternoon for a cup of you wonderful tea, Karen. I'll be ready for some Earl Grey about then.
Hello everyone! I set up a pot of coffee to automatically brew in the morning at about 6am. Enjoy!

I'll be off on my trek to Portland to get my semi-annual scan early in the morning. It will be a long day, but worth it. They are taking good care of me and keeping an eye on things! Can't complain about that.

Hopefully I will be able to come in tomorrow afternoon for a cup of you wonderful tea, Karen. I'll be ready for some Earl Grey about then.

Great, it's waiting on you.
Hello everyone! I set up a pot of coffee to automatically brew in the morning at about 6am. Enjoy!

I'll be off on my trek to Portland to get my semi-annual scan early in the morning. It will be a long day, but worth it. They are taking good care of me and keeping an eye on things! Can't complain about that.

Hopefully I will be able to come in tomorrow afternoon for a cup of you wonderful tea, Karen. I'll be ready for some Earl Grey about then.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee. Good luck on the doctor's visit.

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