Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good morning! Thanks for the coffee, George.

Congrats on the win for your puppy! That's great fun!

I know what you mean about not being able to sleep, Karen. I have trouble sometimes too, and used to all the time. Not sure what changed, but it is better these days. But, even when I couldn't sleep, it would seem that I would finally find it around 4:30 in the morning until about 7:30. Those seem to be my most restful sleep hours. It has always been that way, so it was difficult when I worked and had to be up at 6am!!! lol

Val, I know what you are saying.

I use to get up at 0430 to get ready for work, that's something I really don't miss.

I slept real good last night.
Good morning everyone! Thanks for the coffee, George.

@CapricornFarm, I can imagine that your coffee and tea service is very unusual with all the wonderful pottery you make.
Thanks, I don't drink coffee. Here's my sugar bowl.

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