Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good afternoon one and all!

Water, tea, and condiments are ready.

Have a great day!

@ValerieJ and @igorsMistress Glad to see both of you are out and about.

Happy gardening to both of you.

We had appointments in Jacksonville today. This is an all day experience. We left at 0900 and returned at 1630.
Hi @Ladies-Eight. Hope your day went well. I sure feel your pain. Takes a lot of time for us when we have to go run errands in town.
Tomatoes, green peppers, broccoli, cauliflower for sure. I will have to buy onions, herbs and garlic for sauce, although I do have organic sources for that. We also have fruit trees and berry bushes to care for. I try to grow a few herbs on the deck, but except for mint and oregano, I've not had a lot of luck with them in my garden. And I never want to put mint or oregano in my garden beds again. LOL

What all do you grow? How much space do you have? I just have 4 raised beds, about 256 SF in total for the veggies. Too many dear to plant anything bigger. Have to keep it fenced in.
I have about 200 square feet dedicated to veggies. Currently there are artichokes, broccoli, garlic, lettuce, carrots and pickling cukes. Waiting in the wings are two types of tomatoes, some jalapeños and Thai peppers, squash, and Armenian cukes. We’ll see how that goes! I have my herbs and strawberries in a partially shaded enclosed garden because the full summer sun would kill them and I enjoy many of them year round here.
I have about 200 square feet dedicated to veggies. Currently there are artichokes, broccoli, garlic, lettuce, carrots and pickling cukes. Waiting in the wings are two types of tomatoes, some jalapeños and Thai peppers, squash, and Armenian cukes. We’ll see how that goes! I have my herbs and strawberries in a partially shaded enclosed garden because the full summer sun would kill them and I enjoy many of them year round here.
Lucky you! We have such a short growing season here. I grew some squash a couple years ago and it took over my whole garden, so not again. lol I'd love to grow artichokes, but I think they are more suited for warmer weather, right? And peppers are always a shot in the dark here. Sometimes I get a load of them and other years none at all. So we will see.

Sounds like your garden will be full and wonderful!!! Fun days.
Lucky you! We have such a short growing season here. I grew some squash a couple years ago and it took over my whole garden, so not again. lol I'd love to grow artichokes, but I think they are more suited for warmer weather, right? And peppers are always a shot in the dark here. Sometimes I get a load of them and other years none at all. So we will see.

Sounds like your garden will be full and wonderful!!! Fun days.
I’m not too sure whether artichokes would grow in your climate or not Val. It gets plenty cold here and by summer the plants are dormant. You might want to look up green globe and see how they’d do in your zone. You certainly get the rain they need. Squash, maybe you planted too many? Obviously you had conditions for it to do well lol. We are very blessed with only having to hold off in summer when temps are really hot I’ll give you that. I just ordered a grow light that I can clamp to an old desk in my office to start things early. Not expensive and small so it doesn’t take a lot of space. Maybe something like that would help?
I’m not too sure whether artichokes would grow in your climate or not Val. It gets plenty cold here and by summer the plants are dormant. You might want to look up green globe and see how they’d do in your zone. You certainly get the rain they need. Squash, maybe you planted too many? Obviously you had conditions for it to do well lol. We are very blessed with only having to hold off in summer when temps are really hot I’ll give you that. I just ordered a grow light that I can clamp to an old desk in my office to start things early. Not expensive and small so it doesn’t take a lot of space. Maybe something like that would help?
Oh yes. I have grow lights. This gardening thing has been a learning experience over the last 5 or 6 years. The first year the weather was perfect and I had so many wonderful tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, green beans, and more. But we haven't had another year like that. But, from the beginning I started everything indoors with grow lights. And I need to get started, because I like to plant them indoors in early February for moving out early May.

Truth be known, as much as I love artichokes, I'll have to stick with the pickled artichoke hearts for a while. I'm in the middle of another tooth implant and the temporary tooth is not strong enough to be eating them. Wouldn't want to break it. It's a front tooth. lol

You have me so inspired to get going on all this now. Thanks for that!!! :clap
Especially when town is an hour and a half away.
I hear you. It's that far when we want to go to a real town, like Olympia. Even our little towns where I can find a decent grocer are about 45 min away. But, it is so worth being in the country away from all the hustle and bustle, don't you think? I love my peaceful life. :love
Oh yes. I have grow lights. This gardening thing has been a learning experience over the last 5 or 6 years. The first year the weather was perfect and I had so many wonderful tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, green beans, and more. But we haven't had another year like that. But, from the beginning I started everything indoors with grow lights. And I need to get started, because I like to plant them indoors in early February for moving out early May.

Truth be known, as much as I love artichokes, I'll have to stick with the pickled artichoke hearts for a while. I'm in the middle of another tooth implant and the temporary tooth is not strong enough to be eating them. Wouldn't want to break it. It's a front tooth. lol

You have me so inspired to get going on all this now. Thanks for that!!! :clap
Yay!! I’m so happy you’re inspired! I haven’t had to replant artichokes, mine come back each year so plan to have a dedicated place for them once you plant. Gardening has definitely been a learning experience, particularly here in AZ. We don’t get rain or much in the way of natural things to compost so I’ve been working on it with mixed success for many years. That’s half the fun though.

Anyway, I hope today is a good for you. Back to work for me.

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