Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

@Shadrach any light end of tunnel that is not a train ? :idunno
Not really to be honest Penny. I'm being polite when I say things are a mess. There are hundreds of thousands of British Nationals living in Europe. Each European country is hadling Brexit and the fallout differently. Spain is a nightmare for any of this stuff. It's why the EU deal was such a great thing. The individual bureaucracies didn't get involved. You had the right to be in any of the EU countries and that was it.
Oh for crying out loud then what in heavens name did England think it was gaining by leaving it
I don't know Penny. I guess it's a sort of Nationalism.
The EU is far from perfect but I've always thought it was fixable. The right wing in the UK seem to think they can do a better job.:confused:
I live in a village (I'm guessing by population) too small to be called a town. We had a sort of grocery store that closed, a deli that closed, a restaurant (too pricy) that closed. Mainly we have taverns, a small restaurant near the far end of the village that is open only for breakfast and lunch, a gas station and I think they opened a dog park in the center of town .I don't have a dog :hit
Our village is over 100 years old. Downtown was used when filming many western movies, and our Maple Lake forest preserve area was used for filming a movie with Keanu Reeves (be still my racing heart) called the Lake House. Not a commercial success :idunno

Our village does have a pond, that by a sign claims it had healing waters for Native Americans that passed through the area. When we moved in over 50 years ago, they dedicated a park to our only native resident White Buffalo.

We have some condos in downtown - but, mainly downtown is very old homes located high up with about a million steps to climb to reach them. We had a fairly famous Ballroom for dancing, that burned down - probably "sparks," which seems to consume any business that isn't doing too well.

Also a young woman ghost, who people claim tries to get a ride to Resurrection Cemetery where she resides. "Ressurrection Mary."

Our canal is the home for many cars that get stolen(?) and dumped so the owner can make an insurance claim. Our former police chief was imprisoned for murdering a rich lawyer's wife because he didn't want to pay alimoney. please excuse poor spelling. He dumped the car with her body in the trunk in our canal. Unfortunately everyone dumped cars in the canal so they could report them stolen. This lead to cars sticking up out of the water. After some got pulled out they found the lawyer's dead wife in the trunk of his car.

Also a 1957(I believe) crime where two young teenage girls were murdered and dumped in one of many forrested areas here with streams, the Grimes girls. While this all paints a very black picture of our village, it should be noted that murders were committed elsewhere. Bodies were only dumped here.

I could go on and on but, if someone wants to write about crime, murders, ghosts, etc. this village is ripe for it.
Hello @Ladies-Eight :)
It was going quite well but unfortunately I just don't have time to do much atm.
I'm busy dealing with bureaucracy, trying to get all the necessary documents together that are required by British Nationals to stay in Spain after Brexit.
The problem is so many of the departments were, or are either shut or short staffed due to the Covid crisis at a time when there is an enormous demand for the services.
It's a complete mess.:he

I'm sorry you are having such a problem.

The best of luck to you.
Hello @Ladies-Eight :)
It was going quite well but unfortunately I just don't have time to do much atm.
I'm busy dealing with bureaucracy, trying to get all the necessary documents together that are required by British Nationals to stay in Spain after Brexit.
The problem is so many of the departments were, or are either shut or short staffed due to the Covid crisis at a time when there is an enormous demand for the services.
It's a complete mess.:he
How frustrating! :( This pandemic has created problems for everybody. Quite a mess!
I live in a village (I'm guessing by population) too small to be called a town. We had a sort of grocery store that closed, a deli that closed, a restaurant (too pricy) that closed. Mainly we have taverns, a small restaurant near the far end of the village that is open only for breakfast and lunch, a gas station and I think they opened a dog park in the center of town .I don't have a dog :hit
Our village is over 100 years old. Downtown was used when filming many western movies, and our Maple Lake forest preserve area was used for filming a movie with Keanu Reeves (be still my racing heart) called the Lake House. Not a commercial success :idunno

Our village does have a pond, that by a sign claims it had healing waters for Native Americans that passed through the area. When we moved in over 50 years ago, they dedicated a park to our only native resident White Buffalo.

We have some condos in downtown - but, mainly downtown is very old homes located high up with about a million steps to climb to reach them. We had a fairly famous Ballroom for dancing, that burned down - probably "sparks," which seems to consume any business that isn't doing too well.

Also a young woman ghost, who people claim tries to get a ride to Resurrection Cemetery where she resides. "Ressurrection Mary."

Our canal is the home for many cars that get stolen(?) and dumped so the owner can make an insurance claim. Our former police chief was imprisoned for murdering a rich lawyer's wife because he didn't want to pay alimoney. please excuse poor spelling. He dumped the car with her body in the trunk in our canal. Unfortunately everyone dumped cars in the canal so they could report them stolen. This lead to cars sticking up out of the water. After some got pulled out they found the lawyer's dead wife in the trunk of his car.

Also a 1957(I believe) crime where two young teenage girls were murdered and dumped in one of many forrested areas here with streams, the Grimes girls. While this all paints a very black picture of our village, it should be noted that murders were committed elsewhere. Bodies were only dumped here.

I could go on and on but, if someone wants to write about crime, murders, ghosts, etc. this village is ripe for it.
What a fascinating village to live in!!!

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