Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good morning everybody! You are all up and at 'em long before me! Thanks for the coffee, IM. And thanks for the great zucchini bread, Chickie!

Not sure what Aztec coffee is, :oops: But here is a cocoa, with a hint of cinnamon. Would you like some marshmallows with that, Marie?

Debby, I'm trying to figure out what today will bring too. :D
Laying a very large mug on the table. Yes please ;) ;)
Good morning and happy Friday, the coffee is ready!
coffee big.jpg
So far I have confined the chicks to a space of their own, with a window to a little outdoor space of their own. They are hanging at the window wanting out in the worst way, and I think I'll let them out a little later when it warms up. I'm concerned about them getting too far from the heat during the cool morning hours. They are only a week old today.

Are you saying your week old chicks are in with all the chickens?
Well, my week olds get out of their brooder all the time. They're bantams and can still fit through the bars of the brooder so yeah I guess they are lol. I keep putting them back and eventually they won't be able to squeeze through. My flock is pretty laid back; last night the week olds wanted to sleep with the six week olds and everyone was cool with it so I left them to it.
Good morning lovely people.
Goodness @N F C that's a good sized coffee you have there.

The weather has improved today and heated up, so put an old cotton sheet on my swivel washing line to shelter the chickens from the sun.
They like my bread by the way which they will love when I get it half as good as Ron has in the bakers posts.
Good morning everybody! Made a fresh pot of coffee. I was wondering why the last one was gone before I got here, and then I saw Debby's cup. :lol:

IM, I put hardware cloth around the little outdoor area for the chicks so they wouldn't go out with the bigs. I have their pop door screened in, and they sit at it and watch, but when I opened it, they didn't want to come out. I guess I'll wait a couple days and try again. I'm glad to hear yours can come out and no one bothers them.

OMG, Cap. That is so funny about the popcorn chicks!!! What fun! :lau

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