Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Morning room sure needed the second cup think maybe take them to neighbor
she is great gal.. Lot's cooler this morning sure feels good .. My best chicken Bud is our Postmistress idiot is messing with their budget trying to hobble their money to operate

Good morning Penny! Did things get straightened out about your roof?
Not at all called him this morning ... He said they got into roof that was rotted ...
Maybe plausible siad he will let us know later today if they can start tomorrow..
any other delays I will give it to the brother

Ugh, sounds like a real pain. Hope things are resolved soon and you get your new roof.
Yes! I did make that blanket! I have 3 main loves in life! My family, my chickens and crochet!!!!! ❤🥰🐣🧶

What kind of things do you usually crochet? At one point in my life, I thought I wanted to learn how so my grandma decided to teach me. Problem was, she was a leftie and I'm a righty so nothing ever made sense to me. I think I ended up making a chain. :lol:

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