Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good to hear from you Val! Sorry about the side effects (and the bags). You just take care of yourself and we'll be here when you feel like coming by. :hugs
Wow Val good to hear your still with us but Chemo is no ones friend .. :he
Thanks, friends. Yes, it's no fun, but I have a request for help in to the doctor. He has assured me there are things we can do for nausea, headaches, etc. I don't think there is anything he can do about the bags. :(

I have to admit, Penny, this is not as bad as what you went through. Not even a little. But, it is more of a permanent state of being for me -- there is no end date for these meds--so, I will need to get some help. It's a new way of life for me. 3 years to life is a long time to take a drug that makes you sick. It's all good though. I know he will prescribe something for me.
Your outlook is very impressive girl your singing to the choir of living through it but keep singing it ... You know Kimala lost 15 birds to cocci .. she came today bought three marans that are like 2 weeks old
I had a problem with Coccidiosis In Jan/Feb, but luckily did not lose anyone. Queen Bee ended up in sick bay for a long time, and she is the one that went back out a little lethargic, so it was just too easy for Mad to sneak up on her and get her before Pippi noticed. :lau I didn't end up using the saddle because the feathers are actually coming back in now. That surprised me. It seems a little early.

Anyway, did Kimala treat her birds? Did she notice it too late? I will say the treatment is a lot of work and costly too. All new medicated water every day. For me that is 10 watering spots. And then try to keep them away from mud puddles, which is how I think it happened this year. We just had too darn much rain! I kept throwing straw over any puddles. That's why we built a completely dry outdoor enclosure for them. It will be used during Jan/Feb if we have a repeat of this last year. Meantime, it's a place they can come outside before I get out there to let them out if they want to. It's 10x15, so plenty big for the 12 I have now. Not sure about when I get 3 more integrated, which is my goal this year.
She has gotten many from me of late but it caught her by surprise she had it and treated them stil lost 15 poor gal .. She has a brother with Cancer in MN so has been there back a few times think it got her then she is running a bit ragged
That's too bad. Feel bad for her. Must be why she didn't get to the coccidiosis in time. It has to be treated right away. And then it has to be retreated in 10 days. I actually treated 3 times. I did have two really sick birds that went into sick bay, but all were treated. If one has it, they all do. I hope to never have to deal with that again.

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