Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good morning and happy weekend everybody! Thanks for all the coffee and tea choices this morning, and especially that awesome toast Debby!

Welcome to the Cup O Joe LaFemmeKatia! Thanks for joining in on the coffee making duties!!!

All is well in chickenland this morning. I think Louie Louie is adjusting to life with the big chickens, although he certainly doesn't have a friend there. He has been in the big coop for two nights now and it has gone well. He even went in on his own last night. That gives Surly and her two littles a coop and run to themselves. I could sit and watch them all day. :love
Thanks for the tea, Ladies-Eight! A nice change from coffee!

I did put a pot of coffee on for everyone who wants a cup.

Thanks! Surly did most of the work. :lol: We are both in love with the littles.

I did put Louie Louie in the big coop overnight. It was quiet until it was time to come out. He might need to hang back until all the girls are out. I guess they are teaching him it's ladies first! Honestly, I am keeping a close eye on that situation. It's very hard to integrate one 3 month chick, especially when it's a cockerel. Mad Hatter has a run and coop, Surly has a run and coop, and Pippi has a run and coop. Mad hangs with Pippi and the girls during the day. I mean, I'm out of spaces!!! :barnie Somehow I need to find a place for Louie Louie. And we aren't even finished painting the latest coop!!! :lau

I think they're trying you to see how far you will let them go!:lol:
Louie Louie hung back in the coop until all the girls were out. DH went out and talked to him a bit, and when he left, Louie Louie came out. So a peaceful morning here. :love

Of course, DH "just thinks they are chickens". :rolleyes: They don't need "names". But it sure was convenient when he came in to tell me of Louie Louie's progress today. :lol:

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