Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

My Silkie and Marans hatch is offically complete and I had a 94% hatch rate overall! (1 early quitter) :celebrate
Now my Sebastopol goslings are pipping and I'm absolutely beside myself with excitement! I feel like they're been incubating for an eternity!! :fl :bun:woot

Great hatch rate!

I'm looking forward to seeing your goslings :fl
What kind of fish do you have?

Hello there! :) I have two betta fish, named Rainbow and Swimmer. 😀 They were my first pets (Well, in the last 8 years) so I could get started with animals again. "Starter pets", I guess.💜 They are almost 2 1/2...... I think! LOL

Then I have my chickens. I've had them for a little over 1 year and 2 months.

Then the rabbit, BunBun. He is a sweetie! I've had him for about two weeks.

Rainbow in his younger years:

Swimmer in his younger years also:

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