Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

I see you got it! Hi Andrea :frow

Yes! Thanks to you! Hello Debby!
Why cream cheese is important:
1) cheese cake
2) bagels

That's why you can't hate cream cheese Sour!
I have a tendency to pick more fruit than reasonable too (grocery store only, no farmers market here). But it all always looks so good, especially in the spring! Berries and grapes are my weakness :)

Do you know what the fuzzy looking green things are at the bottom of the picture? I can't figure them out.
I don't know the name of that fruit, but it looks just like the fruit my nail lady gave me one to try one day. She said she has to go to an asian grocer to find them. Inside that fuzzy exterior is this perfect little ball of fruit. When you open it, it just pops out, no peeling involved. It is delicious! Somewhere between a melon and a kiwi, I'd say. Very sweet.
Good morning. I'll take a hot cup of coffee to go.
Back to work for me.
The only fruit tree I had on my current property was a pear tree that very suddenly gave up the ghost last year. It was fine one day and completely dead less than three weeks later. I had the neighbor come over with the tractor and pluck it out of the ground and put in over by the burn pile. I put a hydrangea tree in the hole left by the pear tree. It sits next to a lovely saucer Magnolia.
:frow morning
I don't know the name of that fruit, but it looks just like the fruit my nail lady gave me one to try one day. She said she has to go to an asian grocer to find them. Inside that fuzzy exterior is this perfect little ball of fruit. When you open it, it just pops out, no peeling involved. It is delicious! Somewhere between a melon and a kiwi, I'd say. Very sweet.
i've seen them in walmarts in pa but they were a beautiful red not green:idunno

I'm pretty sure you're both referring to rambutans that Chrissy mentioned earlier. They have that weird spiky look to them but they're weirdly not pokey to the touch and the inside kind of reminds me of an eyeball in texture but it does taste good and sweet, lol. Be brave and try one! They're not bad, promise!

I'm like 95% sure the prickly balls in the fruit picture are the casing to chestnuts though because there are chestnuts right next to them in the picture.

I'm pretty sure you're both referring to rambutans that Chrissy mentioned earlier. They have that weird spiky look to them but they're weirdly not pokey to the touch and the inside kind of reminds me of an eyeball in texture but it does taste good and sweet, lol. Be brave and try one! They're not bad, promise!
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I'm like 95% sure the prickly balls in the fruit picture are the casing to chestnuts though because there are chestnuts right next to them in the picture.

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That's it! The rambutan is what she gave me. So good! But, not in any stores here. It's all pretty basic in these parts. :lol:

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