Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee DL. Glad that you and the dogs had a good outing.
Bella looks completely normal out there now. She had a blast. She sprinted around the first field a few times and then started looking down the road where Apollo leaves each time they play. Of course, Apollo was way out in the back field. I could see the little black speck in the distance and I could tell that he saw her because he dropped and was "stalking" her. When she finally saw him, her whole body lit up and she took off after him. They ran HARD and she will rest nicely today.
Bella looks completely normal out there now. She had a blast. She sprinted around the first field a few times and then started looking down the road where Apollo leaves each time they play. Of course, Apollo was way out in the back field. I could see the little black speck in the distance and I could tell that he saw her because he dropped and was "stalking" her. When she finally saw him, her whole body lit up and she took off after him. They ran HARD and she will rest nicely today.

It's nice she has a playmate!
I'm going to get out and get some stuff done today, we're going to rent one of those drain cleaning machines to clean roots out of a sewer line that hasn't been used in a very long time.

I was reading, and I found something that's interesting. Self-report scores for conscientiousness have a negative correlation with g, but observer report scores for conscientiousness are positively correlated with g. Conscientiousness has to do with work ethic, so it makes sense that people with higher g need less work ethic to get by, and an external observer may rate someone smarter but with a poorer internal work ethic as being more conscientious if they are still productive, even if they are expending a fraction of the effort of someone with lower g, but higher internal conscientiousness. But I think that I could definitely benefit from a better work ethic / being more conscientious, I'm not that smart :p
I'm starting to have hope for you. :lau
Wear your body out today and give your brain a rest. Three of my favorite activities are mowing lawn, fishing, and sitting by the ocean. All non think activities where I can shut down my brain.
Why do I need to give my brain a rest? I'm not sure if I even know how to, LOL. When I go for walks, even if I'm trying to relax, I'm usually thinking about stuff. I think the only way to give my brain a rest would be to take sedatives :gig

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