Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good morning, Meg! How are things on your farm today?
Morning! Things are good today. Pretty quiet. My husband kicked a new pair out of the maternity pen and mama was thirsting to death. Turns out one of the stock water heaters malfunctioned and the water was way too hot :rant For as much as you have to pay for those darn things they just don't last like they should.
Morning! Things are good today. Pretty quiet. My husband kicked a new pair out of the maternity pen and mama was thirsting to death. Turns out one of the stock water heaters malfunctioned and the water was way too hot :rant For as much as you have to pay for those darn things they just don't last like they should.
Oh, sorry to hear that about the stock water heater. How can you tell when a cow is thirsting to death? Good thing he knew how to recognize that! 😳
Nope, not a chicken. It's got too many legs. That's farming experience for you.

Oh jeez, sorry, I was exaggerating. Probably should've noted that :oops: She went straight for water when he let her out and that's why he checked.

And this is why observational skills are essential to animal husbandry. I have a friend who looks at his dogs and does not see what they are telling him with their actions. :barnie

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