Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good you have had a good day.

this weeks heatwave is meant to end on Monday. so cooler temps for next week, hopefully

Our summer Usually ease off around mid March, then in April we bypass the rest of autumn and plummet straight into winter temps.
Sounds familiar, we just do it in reverse up here :gig
Oh good, I see the drive through window is open!
smiley car.gif

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning one and all (and good night down under). I'm two cups in and catching up one the thread. Glad it's transitioned to eating Mexican (food) instead of cat tacos.

Going to need another cup before I'm awake enough to disclose all of the weird stuff I ate while living and traveling in Asia.

Buckwheat for breakfast this morning, with a touch of maple syrup.
Good morning one and all (and good night down under). I'm two cups in and catching up one the thread. Glad it's transitioned to eating Mexican (food) instead of cat tacos.

Going to need another cup before I'm awake enough to disclose all of the weird stuff I ate while living and traveling in Asia.

Buckwheat for breakfast this morning, with a touch of maple syrup.
Good Morning!! Healthy breakfast for you this morning! :D I've watched a couple of those travel shows focused on food in different was (if I remember right) on street food specifically. Well....let's just say it seemed like there's just nothing that isn't eaten in some Asian countries.....bugs on a stick, anyone??
In the US, I've had gator, frog legs & rattlesnake. Abroad- kangaroo, croc, ostrich, scorpion, snakes (cobra & others), turtle, and shark. Some really terrible sushi -(sea urchin ugh). Coworkers would take me out to dinner to see what local "delicacy" they could get me to try. And parts of animals that you don't normally see here - stomach etc. The two things I was offered and outright refused were dog and monkey. Just couldn't eat man's best friend and a fellow primate.

Glad I'm back in the US eating mostly stuff I raise or grow.

Coffee #4 coming right up!

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