Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

I just read this:

So it's pretty unlikely that you'll get CJD if you eat a cat.
My parents used to live next to someone who hoarded dozens of cats.
I have a girlfriend who has over 20. They have their own room in her house. She has large bins with cat litter and cleans them about 5 times a day. And get this, her house doesn't stink!!!

For her this happened because she and her husband used to run a no-killed rescue center. When he passed away, she closed the center, but wouldn't send the kitties to a shelter where they might be destroyed. She lives alone, they are not allowed outside except in their own private enclosed patio complete with cat trees, beds and ladders, so they are not a problem to her neighbors.
The house of the people that my parents lived next to was in really bad shape. I think the people lived mainly in an addition off the back of the house, and they would burn wood for heat. The cats would come into the yard of the house that my parents lived in, and the cats would poop. My dad used to trap the cats and take them to the shelter, but the lady who had the cats would go and try to adopt them back.
The house of the people that my parents lived next to was in really bad shape. I think the people lived mainly in an addition off the back of the house, and they would burn wood for heat. The cats would come into the yard of the house that my parents lived in, and the cats would poop. My dad used to trap the cats and take them to the shelter, but the lady who had the cats would go and try to adopt them back.
Yes, that's nothing like what Susie is doing. She's very responsible about it. Her house is nice, actually.
Good evening all. I just pulled a quiche out of the oven for dinner and we're headed out for dog walks in a few minutes. How is everyone?

G’day, doing great down this way, how are you doing?

Your quiche sounds yum, have no idea what we are having for dinner yet, but do know one thing - i ain’t cooking it..far too hot to cook today
I have had squirrel, possum and racoon but stomach turns at the thought of a cat
just not in my wheelhouse thank my lucky stars .. there are other countries

I have had Camel, Crocodile and Kangaroo.

but just nope to a cat...and I dont think I could eat a squirrel either...such cute little critters they are....possum and raccoons wouldn’t feature on my menu either

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