Cup o' Joe and Tea Too


Dog Finds New Home
That headline, at face value, isn't very newsworthy. But this story takes the meaning of those words quite literally.

Jack and Emily Jokinen live in Philadelphia with their daughter and their dog, Jorge Pawsada. Last month, in the middle of the night, something very unusual happened in their home that would change their family.

In the wee hours of December 14th, Emily got up to feed their one-month-old daughter. After, she went down to the kitchen to get a pacifier. That was when she first saw the puppy, curled up on the floor, sleeping. But...the Jokinens don't have a puppy. Her mind couldn't make sense of what she was seeing. She went upstairs to wake Jack. He was just as confused, understanding the words she was saying while not being able to make sense of them.

"The front door was locked, the back door was locked, windows closed, everything, " Jack said, (and yet) "there was kind of this mystery puppy in our house, and we had no idea how it got here."

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the intruder was an extremely thin dog. She was wet and cold, so hadn't been inside for long. But how?

Much of the mystery was soon solved by checking the security camera mounted outside their front door. Jack had taken their dog out just before going to sleep. When he returned, he pulled the door shut, but it didn't latch. By 3:16 am, when the cold and wet dog trotted by on the sidewalk, the Jokinen's front door was wide open. After a couple of tentative starts, she decides to go inside. About 20 minutes later, the footage shows a good Samaritan walk by. He notices the open door, sticks his head in to look around and then pulls it shut. Aha!

The dog was in very bad shape and the Jokinens decided to take "Suzyn Pupman" to an emergency vet clinic. They learned that she was about 8 years old and only weighed 19 pounds, about half of what she should weigh. She had a hurt leg, worn paw pads, dental problems, and lots of fleas. She'd been on her own for a while. And she had no chip. They authorized doing whatever needed to be done to help her.

With the cold weather that arrived shortly after, it's hard to say what would have happened to her if she didn't find them. Jack took to social media to tell the story and most of the comments suggest that "Suzy" has already picked her new forever home. They have looked and continue to look for her family, but in the meantime, it looks like Jack and Emily have a new dog! She's putting on weight and fitting right in with the rest of the pack.

As Jack summed it up, "Of all the bad things that could happen when your front door is left open in the middle of the night, to end up with a sweet dog who just needs a good home, I"

Dog Finds New Home
That headline, at face value, isn't very newsworthy. But this story takes the meaning of those words quite literally.

Jack and Emily Jokinen live in Philadelphia with their daughter and their dog, Jorge Pawsada. Last month, in the middle of the night, something very unusual happened in their home that would change their family.

In the wee hours of December 14th, Emily got up to feed their one-month-old daughter. After, she went down to the kitchen to get a pacifier. That was when she first saw the puppy, curled up on the floor, sleeping. But...the Jokinens don't have a puppy. Her mind couldn't make sense of what she was seeing. She went upstairs to wake Jack. He was just as confused, understanding the words she was saying while not being able to make sense of them.

"The front door was locked, the back door was locked, windows closed, everything, " Jack said, (and yet) "there was kind of this mystery puppy in our house, and we had no idea how it got here."

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the intruder was an extremely thin dog. She was wet and cold, so hadn't been inside for long. But how?

Much of the mystery was soon solved by checking the security camera mounted outside their front door. Jack had taken their dog out just before going to sleep. When he returned, he pulled the door shut, but it didn't latch. By 3:16 am, when the cold and wet dog trotted by on the sidewalk, the Jokinen's front door was wide open. After a couple of tentative starts, she decides to go inside. About 20 minutes later, the footage shows a good Samaritan walk by. He notices the open door, sticks his head in to look around and then pulls it shut. Aha!

The dog was in very bad shape and the Jokinens decided to take "Suzyn Pupman" to an emergency vet clinic. They learned that she was about 8 years old and only weighed 19 pounds, about half of what she should weigh. She had a hurt leg, worn paw pads, dental problems, and lots of fleas. She'd been on her own for a while. And she had no chip. They authorized doing whatever needed to be done to help her.

With the cold weather that arrived shortly after, it's hard to say what would have happened to her if she didn't find them. Jack took to social media to tell the story and most of the comments suggest that "Suzy" has already picked her new forever home. They have looked and continue to look for her family, but in the meantime, it looks like Jack and Emily have a new dog! She's putting on weight and fitting right in with the rest of the pack.

As Jack summed it up, "Of all the bad things that could happen when your front door is left open in the middle of the night, to end up with a sweet dog who just needs a good home, I"
Oh WOW...that brought tears to my eyes... so glad she found a new home. So often it is said that “we don’t pick a pet, they pick us“, she picked a good family there.

Dog Finds New Home
That headline, at face value, isn't very newsworthy. But this story takes the meaning of those words quite literally.

Jack and Emily Jokinen live in Philadelphia with their daughter and their dog, Jorge Pawsada. Last month, in the middle of the night, something very unusual happened in their home that would change their family.

In the wee hours of December 14th, Emily got up to feed their one-month-old daughter. After, she went down to the kitchen to get a pacifier. That was when she first saw the puppy, curled up on the floor, sleeping. But...the Jokinens don't have a puppy. Her mind couldn't make sense of what she was seeing. She went upstairs to wake Jack. He was just as confused, understanding the words she was saying while not being able to make sense of them.

"The front door was locked, the back door was locked, windows closed, everything, " Jack said, (and yet) "there was kind of this mystery puppy in our house, and we had no idea how it got here."

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the intruder was an extremely thin dog. She was wet and cold, so hadn't been inside for long. But how?

Much of the mystery was soon solved by checking the security camera mounted outside their front door. Jack had taken their dog out just before going to sleep. When he returned, he pulled the door shut, but it didn't latch. By 3:16 am, when the cold and wet dog trotted by on the sidewalk, the Jokinen's front door was wide open. After a couple of tentative starts, she decides to go inside. About 20 minutes later, the footage shows a good Samaritan walk by. He notices the open door, sticks his head in to look around and then pulls it shut. Aha!

The dog was in very bad shape and the Jokinens decided to take "Suzyn Pupman" to an emergency vet clinic. They learned that she was about 8 years old and only weighed 19 pounds, about half of what she should weigh. She had a hurt leg, worn paw pads, dental problems, and lots of fleas. She'd been on her own for a while. And she had no chip. They authorized doing whatever needed to be done to help her.

With the cold weather that arrived shortly after, it's hard to say what would have happened to her if she didn't find them. Jack took to social media to tell the story and most of the comments suggest that "Suzy" has already picked her new forever home. They have looked and continue to look for her family, but in the meantime, it looks like Jack and Emily have a new dog! She's putting on weight and fitting right in with the rest of the pack.

As Jack summed it up, "Of all the bad things that could happen when your front door is left open in the middle of the night, to end up with a sweet dog who just needs a good home, I"
Wonderful story - Thanks for sharing!

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” – Will Rogers
Oh WOW...that brought tears to my eyes... so glad she found a new home. So often it is said that “we don’t pick a pet, they pick us“, she picked a good family there.
I can't help but wonder where the family dog was while the strange dog entered the house, rested on the floor...and while a stranger came up the walk and looked in and closed the door?? Maybe the dog sleeps in a crate or in the closed bedroom??? Mine would be alerting me to the door left open and NO WAY would strange dogs or people come close without a major ruckus!

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