***Crevecoeur Thread***

chicken boy sam,
saw one of your post about possible leg mites, here's how to fix that. I take vaseline and mix in a little sevin dust, rubb it into the leg real good and she'll be good to go, may take 1-2 extra treatments, but it'll get them pretty quick, also Ivermectin will kill them if you have any of that on hand. and one other, I havent tried this but my NPIP inspector told me about it, he says to just spry their legs with WD-40, says it works great and usually gets them in 1 treatment.
I sprayed her with WD-40 and I think I'll have to do iit again.... I like that because, since she's skittish, I don't have to try grabbing her....
yep, thats what he said too.
also, it's much easiler to wait til night when they are on the roost, for the most part you can just walk up to them then and pick them up to treat them when needed
The weird thing is that she's the only chicken with it other than the polish hen, but that's REALLY small.

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