Creeping Charlie?


10 Years
Apr 28, 2009
I remember finding this HUGE list somewhere about all the things that were poisonous to chickens, and I remember seeing creeping charlie, or ground ivy, on there...... Does anyone know how bad this really is for them, or if they will even eat it???

I have a very large backyard all completely fenced in with a 7' high wooden fence, and although the chickens have a big corner, I was thinking of occasionally letting them roam the whole yard.... but the entire back quarter or so of my yard is covered in creeping charlie.... I haven't found a way to kill it, it's invincible.

If I let them roam my yard with creeping charlie growing in parts of it.. will that really be the demise of my flock?
I have a free range flock and also have lots of the CC stuff. They leave it alone. The difference may be that they have 20 acres of other stuff to choose from. Let them go out when you can watch them and see if they eat it. My guess is they won't.
ok cool... I guess I'll just observe.... it's only in like the way back of my yard by the fence, maybe they won't go by it.... does anyone know what happens if they do eat it??
The only way to get rid of the CC is to nuke the entire yard with concentrated Round Up (20% solution with the red cap diluted to 10%) and start over, unless the chickens turn out to like it. Even then they won't touch the roots so it will come back. Of course, you won't be able to let the chickens into the yard for about a week and, if you are trying to be organic, you can't sell the eggs as organic for three years.

You could also try burning it out if it is in a manageable area. This will also kill the grass so you will have to re-seed. Try one of those flamers. Don't do this around any wooden fences or buildings and have someone standing by with a hose.

I use native plants in my yard. If you do decide to re-seed, try using a "Low Mow Fescue" that you can get from Prairie Nursery in Westfield, WI. It will not require mowing once established, particularly if the chickens will be in the yard at all. It only gets about six inches tall and then falls over to form clumps that block out weeds. You have to do this in the Fall, not Spring. Better yet, get goats. They eat everything.
I would not think creeping charlie would hurt a chicken because even people can eat it.

Creeping charlie is supposed to be a part of the mint family and is good for a persons digestive system. I eat it plain or in a tea. But mostly I like its smell. But never ever try eating something wild unless you know 100% that is what it is.

There are lots of stuff growing in our yards that are very safe and healthy to eat. And my rule is if the plant is safe for me then it is most likely safe for the chickens in most cases.

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