Corid and toltrazuril


Aug 15, 2022
I've been treating my pullet with the powdered corid in her drinking water for a week and it is definitely helping her and she's slowly getting better but I want to just knock this thing out since she got pretty bad before i could get my hands on some I have some toltrazuril (endocox) coming in the mail. Question is Can I mix the two medications or stop the corid and just give the toltrazuril? Can I switch her immediately or let the corid leave her system a bit first? Thank you

Disclaimer I also treated her with safeguard her last dose of that was 2 days ago
@Eggcessive if the toltrazuril isn't helping at all should I try a sulfa drug next? I almost feel like she was doing better on the corid than the toltrazuril but the corid isn't getting rid of it completely. She seemed to have less diarrhea and was moving around a bit more on the corid. The more I research the more I'm seeing if she had blood in her poop sulfadimethoxine might be the better drug to use

Should I switch back to the corid while I'm waiting on medicox?

Thank you for any advice
@Eggcessive if the toltrazuril isn't helping at all should I try a sulfa drug next? I almost feel like she was doing better on the corid than the toltrazuril but the corid isn't getting rid of it completely. She seemed to have less diarrhea and was moving around a bit more on the corid. The more I research the more I'm seeing if she had blood in her poop sulfadimethoxine might be the better drug to use

Should I switch back to the corid while I'm waiting on medicox?

Thank you for any advice
Are you sure it's coccidiosis? Can you get pictures of her droppings?
Are you sure it's coccidiosis? Can you get pictures of her droppings?

She was very lethargic and looked "cold" wasn't very sturdy on her feet and was losing weight and losing appetite. She was gasping and chirping when defecating. I isolated and overnight shipped corid and safeguard and started treatment.

No one else in the flock is acting off but she is the only pullet I didn't start on medicated feed because I hatched her. I don't have any of her hatchmates anymore though to compare their health to hers

I only noticed extreme diarrhea until about day 3 of having her isolated and then it was very bloody and runny. Day 5 and she started looking better but she still looked slightly ruffled and kinda weak over all, but her poops were starting to firm up.

Was reading corid was more of a preventative than treatment so stopped the corid and started the toltrazuril yesterday when it came in the mail.

I should have taken a picture of it but this morning she had mostly firm with some mucus but what looked like intestinal lining not blood. She is stil gasping when she poops.

Her poops mostly are like this now sometimes they are very dark and sometimes all mucus like

I may just be paranoid too I really don't want to lose this pullet

First pic is before she was sick at all last pic is her now



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I would give it some time. You can use Corid and Toltrazuril at the same time, I have read. Sulfa drugs can treat some strains of coccidia that may be resistant to Corid (amprollium.) But sulfa is an antibiotic and can be hard on chickens. It may take her some time to get back to normal. If your vet would be willing to do a fecal float to see if there is coccida in the droppings, that could ease your mind. Is she eating today? By the way, I have used medicated feed early on, but then never used it again on any of my later chicks. I‘ve never seen a case of coccidiosis here. I usually begin exposing baby chicks early to a lump of sod to peck on in their brooder to have earlier gradual exposure to coccidia in the soil. They gradually build up a tolerance to it when a few months old.
I would give it some time. You can use Corid and Toltrazuril at the same time, I have read. Sulfa drugs can treat some strains of coccidia that may be resistant to Corid (amprollium.) But sulfa is an antibiotic and can be hard on chickens. It may take her some time to get back to normal. If your vet would be willing to do a fecal float to see if there is coccida in the droppings, that could ease your mind. Is she eating today? By the way, I have used medicated feed early on, but then never used it again on any of my later chicks. I‘ve never seen a case of coccidiosis here. I usually begin exposing baby chicks early to a lump of sod to peck on in their brooder to have earlier gradual exposure to coccidia in the soil. They gradually build up a tolerance to it when a few months old.

She is very eager to eat any fruits and veggies and does eat her crumbles. I just fed her some strawberry and she went nuts for it. She's been eating better overall and does feel like she's gained weight. I've been giving her small amounts of yogurt to help her gut too.

I think I'm going to just finish the toltrazuril treatment since it's a quick treatment anyways and then I'll let her system rest and see what happens and if shes still acting off ill call the vet. I live in the middle of no where so the vet is a hefty drive
Sounds good. Remember that he chicken feed is the best thing for her. Certain berries may affect the color of poop. It does sound like she is doing better.
She's doing really well now I can tell she's eating more slowly. Her poop is basically solid now but it's still got a greenish tint? Any ideas what that could be from? She's currently off all medication since she finished the toltrazuril

I'm thinking Maybe it's just the veggies I've been giving her I'm just very new to chicken keeping so I appreciate any advice and insight!

Thanks :)


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She is very eager to eat any fruits and veggies and does eat her crumbles. I just fed her some strawberry and she went nuts for it. She's been eating better overall and does feel like she's gained weight. I've been giving her small amounts of yogurt to help her gut too.

I think I'm going to just finish the toltrazuril treatment since it's a quick treatment anyways and then I'll let her system rest and see what happens and if shes still acting off ill call the vet. I live in the middle of no where so the vet is a hefty drive
Could you tell me what
She was very lethargic and looked "cold" wasn't very sturdy on her feet and was losing weight and losing appetite. She was gasping and chirping when defecating. I isolated and overnight shipped corid and safeguard and started treatment.

No one else in the flock is acting off but she is the only pullet I didn't start on medicated feed because I hatched her. I don't have any of her hatchmates anymore though to compare their health to hers

I only noticed extreme diarrhea until about day 3 of having her isolated and then it was very bloody and runny. Day 5 and she started looking better but she still looked slightly ruffled and kinda weak over all, but her poops were starting to firm up.

Was reading corid was more of a preventative than treatment so stopped the corid and started the toltrazuril yesterday when it came in the mail.

I should have taken a picture of it but this morning she had mostly firm with some mucus but what looked like intestinal lining not blood. She is stil gasping when she poops.

Her poops mostly are like this now sometimes they are very dark and sometimes all mucus like

I may just be paranoid too I really don't want to lose this pullet

First pic is before she was sick at all last pic is her now
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View attachment 3383838

Could you tell me the dosage for the Toltrazuril please ?

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