
May 4, 2018
Vancouver, British Columbia

I'm wondering if anyone has any input on using wood pellets for coop bedding and respiratory issues in chickens? We've been trying to get to the bottom of respiratory problems in our chickens and we are starting to consider that it might be environmental as opposed to disease (which we've been treating them for). If anyone has any input or experience I would appreciate it! We've been using pellets for a while now (having switched from pine shavings).

Just to give some background, their energy levels, laying and physicals signs are all fine. We are getting some occasional head shaking (all six), sneezing (only one) and some mucus (only in one). They have been to the vet and tested negative for mycoplasma. They've been through numerous courses of Tylan and it doesn't seem to affect them one way or another. I did notice they seemed to improve entirely when we replaced all of their bedding (wood pellets, again). Two weeks later, they've started again (we're going to change the bedding again today).

I'm hoping that someone might have some input on dust levels and wood pellets? Most of what I've read seems to suggest that they're a preferred bedding for coops?

Thanks in advance!
I never used wood pellets, but here is my suggestion.
Change out the bedding, but switch to hay or straw. Then see if the condition improves and does not return in 2 weeks... :idunno
Its a trial and error type of determination. Maybe those wood pellets have some type of treatment that your chickens develop an alergic reaction to.
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,, and :highfive:

I'm wondering if anyone has any input on using wood pellets for coop bedding and respiratory issues in chickens? We've been trying to get to the bottom of respiratory problems in our chickens and we are starting to consider that it might be environmental as opposed to disease (which we've been treating them for). If anyone has any input or experience I would appreciate it! We've been using pellets for a while now (having switched from pine shavings).

Just to give some background, their energy levels, laying and physicals signs are all fine. We are getting some occasional head shaking (all six), sneezing (only one) and some mucus (only in one). They have been to the vet and tested negative for mycoplasma. They've been through numerous courses of Tylan and it doesn't seem to affect them one way or another. I did notice they seemed to improve entirely when we replaced all of their bedding (wood pellets, again). Two weeks later, they've started again (we're going to change the bedding again today).

I'm hoping that someone might have some input on dust levels and wood pellets? Most of what I've read seems to suggest that they're a preferred bedding for coops?

Thanks in advance!
A few pictures of your coop would help people give relevant advice.
Ventilation is often the key to better air quality in coops as is regular cleaning.
I stopped using bedding in the coops here. If your chickens sleep on roost bars there isn't really any reason to have bedding on the floor of the coop.
Where do you live and what’s you coop ventilation like? How many chickens do you have? Since the symptoms get worse when the bedding needs to be cleaned and better after, maybe ammonia and moisture is building up.

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