respiratory diseases

  1. EmilyAlamano

    Managing flock, mycoplasma and bringing in new roosters

    Our flock has what our vet says seems like mycoplasma but it hasn’t been confirmed by testing post mortem. He gave us Tylan and we put whole flock on it for 6 days, but moving forward we don’t want to continue giving antibiotics to our flock now that we understand it can lead to spiraling flock...
  2. N

    Severe respiratory infection in duck, hot feet, barely eating or drinking

    I want to make this post to hopefully help others who are like me (first time duckling owner) who may be struggling with the same issues that my week old duckling Nugget was experiencing. I want to start by saying the advice and quick answers I have received in this group is AMAZING and I...
  3. T

    Chicken respiratory systems- did I screw up??

    A couple days ago I pan fried some fish and the house still smelled like it 24 hours later. I was going to boil some water with drops of citronella oil over the stove the help with the smell. Before doing so, I checked if citronella is safe for birds and found out it isn't, so I didn't use it...
  4. thunder21

    Confused what type of respiratory illness my rooster has

    I kept on reading about respiratory illness what's the symptoms and the treatment. But the more I read about them, the more I get confuse. I don't know which one is the proper and effective treatment I'll give to my rooster. As of now, I'm giving coryza treatment by giving medicated water...
  5. theroosternamedrooster

    Air bubbles trapped in chest? See video and attached X-rays

    He has been having issues breathing at night, he’s fine during the day. It has seemed as though he has been having what I can only describe as sleep apnea. What could be going on? The exotic animal vet I went to seems to be pretty clueless about chickens. I’m in Los Angeles and somehow chicken...
  6. G

    Help needed: gander seems sick, with severe gaping

    The gander was eating normally until yesterday (Aug. 4). Yesterday, he ate much less than normal (sudden loss of appetite) and had severe head-and-neck-forward gaping multiple times. Today (Aug. 5), he hasn't eaten much, either, and still has gaping. I gave him water mixed with Sav-a-Chick...
  7. T

    Need help finding medicine for sick chickens

    It seems like my flock has come down with a respiratory illness. It started out with just one rooster, and now at least half of them are sick. I know that I that they need antibiotics, but I'm not sure what type to give them. Can anyone suggest an effective antibiotic that can treat multiple...
  8. Sunnysflock

    Does my Goslings have a respiratory infection

    Hi I picked up a African gosling that 1 1/2 weeks old yesterday, she wasn’t eating dry food very well so I wet it today and just a minute ago I was looking at it and we was acting like there was somthing in here mouth and some clear liquid came about her nose that was the Consistency of watery...
  9. C

    Chick Opening It's Mouth Repeatedly

    Hello everyone, We bought home chicks about a month ago, they have been well since then but lately one is acting sick. It is about 2-3 months old. It has been repeatedly opening its mouth wide open (as if gasping for air) and also having sudden spurts of movement. Can anyone please advise me...
  10. godzillaandfriends

    Preventing Respiratory Disease

    Hi everyone, I recently lost my favorite roo to a respiratory illness. I don't know which bacteria caused it, but I want to prevent my other chickens from getting it. Any idea of causes and ways to stop it from infecting the rest of my flock?
  11. K

    New hens in quarantine but displaying symptoms, not sure how to proceed

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Red Star hen, approx 5 months old, have not gotten weight yet but she does not feel thin or excessively light. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Some sneezing and what sounds like coughing...
  12. Regrn5

    Sick chick, take a peek at the photos please need guidance TIA

    I have 2 lavender orpingtons 3 weeks, one noted to have scans on back of wings, red irritated eyes, crusty nose and crusty dry skin patches on belly. See photos. No visible mites. Eating and drinking fine. Fast forward 2 days later looks slightly better but behavior punkish, eyes remain red...
  13. ChickenMasta1105

    Lethargic 6 week old rooster who had respiratory problems

    My 6 week old rooster yesterday had trouble breathing, because he was outside in the cold. I brought him in, gave him two drops of ventolin, then calpol. He looked better immediately. I repeated this at night, and now it is morning, he is lethargic, his poop is normal, but he is not eating much...
  14. ChickenMasta1105

    6 week old rooster panting

    I came outside today to find my 6 week old rooster panting, his mouth came up and down, and I brought him inside. It is cold outside, about 10-15 degrees, but barable, not freezing temperature. I gave him 2 drops of ventolin (salbutamol) in some water, and wrapped him in a warm cotton cloth. He...
  15. R

    Gosling with respiratory issues

    I have a month old gosling who has recently been panting and drooling a lot at night. He doesn’t do it all the time but last night scared me when this went on for over an hour. He was in my bedroom so it wasn’t too hot and he had plenty of clean water available. My current vet is out of town at...
  16. Blackoutcat

    Thoughts on Separate Coop to Keep Lifelong Carriers

    Hey all. I got a trio of 5 week old Ayam Cemani's last month and put them in quarentine inside my house. Bio security has been as tight as I can reasonably keep it. I change my entire outfit to visit the quarentine chicks and wash all the exposed skin on my arms after taking said clothes off and...
  17. E

    Help! New hens have Breathing problems

    Just bought these 2 dual purpose hens 2 days ago. They are very large and are about to start laying. My sister bought 2 from the same guy about a month ago and hers have just started laying. The guy could not tell me their breed. Red Flag #1. They seem like they may actually be Red Broilers? now...
  18. TMac76

    Unhealthy Poo??

    Looking for input/advice on possible issues with our rooster, Willie. He was acting off yesterday (was staying under coop more than usual but it was cool in the morning and rainy in the evening) and seemed to have a little bit of a wheeze yesterday evening. We decided to separate him, and...
  19. T

    Respiratory Issues?

    Winter: perhaps the time for chicken colds that just stick around?? So I have a fairly young rock barred hen who has been sort of 'gasp breathing' for the past few weeks. There has been no sneezing, coughing, discharge, swelling...When she inhales her lower waddle rises up like she’s reaching to...
  20. JBirdy

    Coop Bedding and Respiratory Concerns

    Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has any input on using wood pellets for coop bedding and respiratory issues in chickens? We've been trying to get to the bottom of respiratory problems in our chickens and we are starting to consider that it might be environmental as opposed to disease (which...
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