Conure or Budgie?


Nov 8, 2022
I've been thinking that I want to get a green-cheeked conure or two at some point in the future, since they seem like really fun birds. I also really like budgies, though, and I've had them in the past and really enjoyed having them.

It definitely isn't going to happen immediately, either way. I'm just in the process of doing my research and I'm wondering if anyone who has owned one or both has any pros or cons to add here.

Thanks in advance!
My DD#2 has a Conure. There are many different varieties.
Hers' talks. :love .. She also has a Quaker parrot, and a Love bird.
They are housed in separate cages, but next to each other.

Difference between a Conure, and a Budgie is probably in the $300 to $400 range, with Conure being the higher.

Budgies are beautiful birds, but do not talk as well (minimum) and their talking is in their own language:gig

Have you considered Canaries???:caf They are somewhat plain colored, but sing beautifully. :love

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome
Before getting any sort of parrot, you need to ask yourself some important questions.

Do you have the time? Parrots are not the type of pet that you feed once a day and then ignore. You'll need to be able to devote several hours a day to them. If you are gone most of the day, consider getting two to keep each other company.

Do you have the money? Parrots can be pretty expensive to keep. Budgies cost about $50 per bird. Anything larger than that will be $200+. You will also need to provide them with a large enough cage, food (annually), toys (annually), and any vet trips.

Are you committed? These birds have long life spans (Budgies 10+ years with good care, Conures 20+) so you need to make sure you're all in before deciding to get one.

As far as choosing a species to get, it really depends on what you are looking for in a bird and the three points I made above. Budgies are very fun little birds. They're very energetic and love to play, chatter, fly around, and do all those other things birds do. If you are wanting a bonded companion bird, I would go with a Conure or another medium sized bird (such as a Cockatiel). Budgies are better birds to watch, and if you have more than one, they will prefer each other's company to yours. This doesn't mean they won't be tame; they just will view you as the trusted person who feeds them vs their best friend.

Each bird's personality will vary, but most Conures are very loving, like to be the center of attention, and tend to be very active with a little bit of a stubborn streak. They are more high-maintenance than budgies, requiring a larger setup and more time spent with them. If you are a person who is gone a lot, or don't feel up to the care of Conures, go with budgies.

Both birds make extremely rewarding pets. Continue doing your research to find the one that will be best for you.
I agree with the above post. I've had both GCCs and budgies. Personally, I like conures far better, but they're quite a bit more responsibility, much louder, and they have quite the flair for the dramatic. They are a long term responsibility and you also need to take into account whether you're in a stage of your life that will allow you to give them stability. A sense of humour and thick skin (literally) will help.

As for cost, at least around here, most conure species sell for around 1k with handfed birds going for more. Budgies, conversely, are $0-50. Setup costs were about the same across the board, because I used flight cages for both of them. Recurring toy costs for conures (or chewy budgies) do add up, I'd recommend building your own toys from parts available online, otherwise you'll be spending several hundred yearly on toys alone. Chop is a pain in the rear end to make but freezing larger batches is helpful.

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