Photos of my new chicks. It looks like the Ameraucanas are Silver. There are two of each, six in total. 2018-09-01 001.jpg 2018-09-01 004.jpg 2018-09-01 005.jpg 2018-09-01 006.jpg 2018-09-01 007.jpg 2018-09-01 013.jpg
It got a little critical here yesterday to say the least. First thing in the morning, I went out to feed the "chicken soups", there were two dead and one missing. The night before, I had checked on them close to 9 pm and all of them were up moving around (cause I had been mowing) and drinking. Their 7 pm eats were still being pecked on too. Once I was over the shock and retrieved the two little fat babies (about 3 weeks old now) I noticed there were no obvious reasons. Then I looked at all of them and noticed 4 or 5 of them acting lethargic. Took a deep breath, then I smelled this deathly stink. I investigated and saw some blood droppings.
It was on, searched this sight and started the protocol. Quarantined all sickly acting chicks, moved their coop, bought Corid and Nutradrench and followed directions. I am happy to say that everyone is up and running around this morning. The one that is missing, have no clue. Can't find any evidence of anything but one feather and a mysterious scat near the edge of our property. The feather looks like an owl. It must have gotten out somehow and was taken. Thanks for the wealth of information on this site!!:bow:frow:thumbsup
At 21 Weeks one of our Brown Leghorns started laying. What a commotion that was, she was very vocal and then started singing. I knew it was coming because her and her sister are both flighty and only engage with us at their choosing and lately she is kinda begging for attention. She wants to lay her egg in the upper loft that is "owned" by our RIR girls. I guess there is a non-fighting rule between them when egg laying is going on, cause they let her go up there and lay when they actually run her out any other time. Her first egg, it's so little compared to the RIRs'. I'm sure they will get bigger as time goes on. 2018-09-07 001.jpg 2018-08-27 005.jpg
Now to the present....:love thanks to all of the great posts out here, I am officially chicken collecting. I just brought home two Buff Orpington Pullets, two Golden Lace Wyandotte - hope they are pullets and two Ameraucanas - hope they are pullets. I am not sure the color of them, I picked out the lightest, silvery look. I'll post pictures later.
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Oh boy, where to start. Both of our Brown Leghorns are now laying. One of them started about two weeks ago, she took off one day since she started. The second one, was a totally surprised me yesterday. She was in the coop, in one of the two out of eight favorite nesting boxes with one of my meanest RIRs. So I go back to check for the egg and it was in the adjacent nesting box with five other eggs. These two girls are bound and determined to sleep in the RIRs roost, eventhough they get a good pecking for going up there. Last night both were in the RIRs roost and three of the RIRs were on their roost. So instead of playing musical hens, we just left them the way they were to figure it out. It's causing a bit of an uproar with the RIRs. These Brown Leghorns are trying to move up the pecking order and nobody is happy right now. 2018-08-21 031.jpg
I went out of town September 22 and got a phone call from my husband that a Hawk got three of my new chicks. Of course he took my favorites, the two Golden Laced Wyandottes and the male Ameraucana. No sense it getting nuts over it, I'll have to get me some more Wyandottes next spring. After all that I have been reading about all Ameraucanas being EEs, not sure if I am going to get anymore unless I get them from a breeder. The female that survived as of today is not what I was hoping for. Her and the two Buff Orpingtons are free ranging most of the day and have figured out their coop. They come to want to go to bed about an hour earlier than my adults. They make "dot to dots" on the property until they reach their coop, so cute. I've got to take some time to get a few new pictures.
A great big chicken hawk attacked last week and got one of my chickens, poor Beavus....RIP. I just hate it. My chickens are on lockdown until late afternoon now. I go out and stay with them until they go into bed. The entire flock was traumatized and didn't even want to come out of the coop the first morning after. A few of the girls went off lay for a day or two. I guess they are happy now, all are laying and rushing the door to get out of the coop in the mornings.
We woke up to snow Sunday morning and this was our girls first snow experience. They were really big eyed about it and wary. All 11 girls laid their eggs on Sunday and Today, so we are till in full egg production even with cold, windy and snowy weather here in Northeast North Carolina.

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