chicken tractor

  1. CluckinAround89

    Budget Build Chicken Tractor🐓

    So I needed to add a small chicken tractor to the group. I’ve looked around and didn’t want to buy any plans to do such a simple job. I did decided to do a 8ftx31-1/2in because metal is 36in wide and I wanted to give myself 1in over hang on each side. I will be using exterior paint with this...
  2. M

    Temporary pullet coop

    Hey y’all! I currently have a flock of 13 mature layers that I keep in an A frame tractor and a chickshaw, both in a large electric netting “run” that I move weekly. I am getting 8 more layers in a couple weeks and am trying to figure out a temporary situation to keep them in while they grow to...
  3. C

    Need help predator proofing chicken tractor.

    I have a few questions. I have built this cattle panel chicken tractor for the meat chickens and will be the layers run when meat is done. Finishing up on it today. It’s 3 cattle panels, 2x4 (6 and 12foot long, so decently heavy). The front 2/3 is 1/4 hardwire and the back portion (which will...
  4. B

    Portable chicken tractor for daytime. Need nesting box ideas

    I have tried searching the site but couldn’t find what I was looking for. We are making a big metal dog cage/run into a mobile chicken run just for the day when we choose to pet them get some fresh bugs and such in the grass area. I know I can get waterer to hang on the wire but any ideas on...
  5. Lovemylilcluckers

    Baby Chicks & Tractors

    Unfortunately, the day after Christmas a dog (German Shepherd/Belgian Malinois) jumped over our pasture fence and "got" 23 of our chickens. (BTW: We raised the fence!). Now we are trying to get chickens ASAP, so they can hopefully start laying early spring/summer. We have a commercial size...
  6. SokeyDokey

    chicken coop on wheels considered an accessory structure?

    We converted our kids playground swing and fort structure into a chicken coop by chopping the fort section down and now its a cute little playhouse looking chicken coop. We had this coop sitting in our yard and got hit with a citation for not having the proper permit for an "accessory...
  7. K

    Retractable Castor Wheels?

    Hi! I've been working on making Justin Rhodes' chickshaw and was worried about racoons being able to reach through the 1 inch wire mesh on the bottom and pulling a chicken out (we had a racoon attack earlier this year). I was thinking of foregoing the 26" Marathon wheels entirely and putting...
  8. Y

    Raising layers in a chicken tractor with higher intensity.

    Hello friends, I want to know if there are any problems or potential downsides to raising layers in a similar-to-broiler setting. For example, Richard Perkins raises his 75 broilers in a Salatin-Style chicken tractor which has 12m2 of space, and explains that this intensity was calculated by...
  9. Isabella's Coop

    Isabella's Coop

    Chicken tractors are fun. As long as you have the equipment or strength to move one, they can be a really great way to move your flock around to free range or just to fence them in with fresh grass. Ours has a section in the back for feed storage and we built it on a wagon base we purchased...
  10. H

    Chicken Tractor Height

    I'm looking to make a PVC chicken tractor so that my girls can spend some time out of their coop. While my town is strangely extremely lenient for the number of backyard chickens we can have (I live a minute from the courthouse but there is no limit, I could legally have 200 chickens if I...
  11. No Cost Chicken Tractor

    No Cost Chicken Tractor

    Hi everyone! After years of saying “no”, my husband finally relented and on our 15 year anniversary told me I could have chickens. Well, I wasn’t about to let that opportunity pass me by, so I went out to a local farm store and purchased five chicks the following weekend. Had I thought about...
  12. sammi_lynn12

    Cats and Chickens!

    Hi there, So we have three barn cats. One of them doesn't care about the chickens at all, the other is interested in them but doesn't seem to want to hurt them (just curious), and the other definitely wants to eat them. 😂😭 With that being said, I would love to let my chickens free range when...
  13. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Please help! Poop solutions

    Hey y’all! Thanks for clicking. 😁 i was hoping I could get you guys help- here is the situation: (NOTE, if you don’t wanna spend five minutes reading through my post, than pleas scroll down to the bottom to get a short version. Thank you!) LONG VERSION We got chickens for tick control. Right...
  14. Purple Pullet Palace--small rolling coop with covered run

    Purple Pullet Palace--small rolling coop with covered run

    (For bigger views of any images or plans, click on the image or go to the gallery tab.) I've considered chickens for many years, but always had some reason (including deed restrictions!) that kept me from them. As my granddaughter got old enough to help feed, water, and gather eggs, she...
  15. Hola_Zaha

    Pet chickens & a boy in an African game reserve

    Hello everyone, My wife and I have been visiting this forum for the past 6 months, since we began our journey of incubating and hatching eggs. We have benefitted tremendously from all the great ideas and vast experience found here. So, I would just like to share how we are doing now, posting...
  16. Chipmunk Chicks

    "You just go down in the morning, and put the chickens in the tractor..."

    What could possibly go wrong? We currently have eleven fast-growing chicks! Plus, a charming old ramshackle 5x6 coop waiting for them outside that we need to rehab, with no attached run or anything like that, just a basic coop. DH said he wants to reinforce the coop for night-time and let...
  17. DavidReaves

    New Covered Chicken Tractor Started

    Started the construction on a 12'x 4' Chicken Tractor with a 4'x4' coop this weekend. I'm building it as two modules, the run frame and the coop. I have detailed photos of the build process but will only post a few for now. There will be more as the siding, wire, and roof panels are added...
  18. V

    Metal Perch Solutions (Chicken Tractor)

    Hi All, I just built a chicken tractor out of electrical metal tubing (light weight and will last better in my climate). I didn't think about the perches. They are metal also. Any idea what I can wrap them with to help keep the girls warm in the winter time? Thanks, Valerie
  19. Nibarlan

    Built a PVC HoopCoop chicken tractor an documented the process

    I put together a chicken tractor to put the chickens to work on the garden bed area and documented the process. There are bookmarks in the video and the video description if you want to see the process and jump around. I used just scrap wood I had at the house and pvc along with the fencing...
  20. Low hoop coop chicken tractor PVC

    Low hoop coop chicken tractor PVC

    I built a low hoop coop that’s lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to move. Lots of photos below! 📸 It’s 8’wide x 10’ long x 3’ high at center. The arch uses seven 10’ 3/4” pvc arches and three 10’ 1/2” PVC for horizontal stabilization. The ends are wood built from free 2x2s and 1x3 i got...
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