Climbing Wall Fun for Chickens?


Apr 29, 2020
Cincinnati, Ohio
I'm considering adding a series of shelves or something as a climbing wall on the side of the coop. Do you think chickens would use and enjoy such a thing? Has anyone tried something like this?
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@aart I was thinking this would go on the outside coop wall, in the run.
You could do that, provided your run has cover so they don't act as launching pads to fly out.
They will likely get pooped on, as mentioned above, maybe the rain will clean them off, and run down the side of the coop wall....or you may end up scraping them off.
Just some thoughts....
...along with chickens are not cats :gig Sorry was my first thought on seeing pics in OP, cracked myself up.
But what the heck, give it a try, use screws to install them so you can easily remove, or move, them down the road.
I have too thought about a cat tree in the run too they will get covered in poop but am ok with scraping it down. Cat trees seem a good idea they even have little hidy spots for nesting boxes.

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