Chirping but no pip, problem or not? **UDATE* I have 3 chick

Congrats glad you are having better luck than me. 3 out of 19
and one not looking too good.
Dont feel bad, I have 3 out 13 and I am on day 21. I am taking the 3 out this afternoon, the one copper maran is huge and taking a lot of space, lol. Hoping for more, but nothings happening.....

So far, out of 20, I have 5 hatched, 2 with big holes, and one more pipped early this morning. This is now day 23 and maybe even day 24.

I will be adding a fan before next clutch, so I hope for a better turnout. :0D

Keep us updated.
Well gut feeling took over and I intervened and I am grateful I did, out of the 18 in the bater only 3 hatched and 3 developed but were dead in the shell. they died relatively soon as they were fully developed but not absorbed yolks and one had its intestines on the outside. One had blood all around it. So all in all 12 never developed at all so I am guessing they were not even fertile.
So I am glad I went with my gut so I can now get the wet sticky chicks dry and in the brooder. I am sad about the others but at least I have 3 chicks.
YIKES!! Our humidity went down to 50% this morning when I came in to school..
I added water through the vent and it is now at 65%
WIll they be okay? We are day 22 and nothing yet!!!!!
Please help!
ok.. It is staying at 64%-65%
When will start to pip? one is definately rocking a little.
Does it help to chirp into the bator for them to hear us and maybe get them moving a bit??
My whole class keeps chirping into the vent. It ias actually quite cute.
Is it normal for me to not have any pips yet on Day 22?????
also, can they only get stuck(shrink wrapped) if they have already started to pip? If they have not pipped yet are they okay? or could they already be stuck?
Thanks again

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