chickens stopped laying! their life at stake! what do i do?


Apr 8, 2018
I have 14 beautiful hens and 2 rooster and my hens stopped laying. They were laying beautifully 4 weeks ago but now they stopped. I have 5 nesting boxes so there is more than enough, and i feed them well. what do I do? I currently live at my parents' house and kept chickens my parents were fine with it because they gave eggs but now production stopped they threatened their lives. Please save my babies.

Is there anything I can do?
Chickens don't lay all the time. They take breaks when they molt, when they are no longer getting enough daylight to trigger their hormones in the fall and winter, and if they undergo stress such as a predator attack or a drastic change then they stop laying at that point too until they are recovered from the shock.

It doesn't mean they're done laying forever, it just means that they're taking a break for one of those reasons above. Eventually hens also do get old and stop laying, but that wouldn't happen to the entire flock at once.

It's also possible you have a predator going into your coop and stealing the eggs, such as a snake, rats, or even crows or ravens.
thanks but i disagree with the predator fact because we keep them locked up 24/7 in a static coop with a huge window for daylight
thanks but i disagree with the predator fact because we keep them locked up 24/7 in a static coop with a huge window for daylight

I wasn't saying you definitely had a predator, just that it was one of the possibilities. So they are in the coop all the time, they don't ever have access to the outside or have a run? How big is this coop?

What are you feeding them? What time of year is it where you are?
i do let them out when the weather is good to get rid of bugs and weeds and i feed them regular growing and laying since they are young

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