Chickens are randomly dying


Apr 7, 2019
It's starting to get warm here in Minnesota, no more winter, but yesterday and today I found two dead chickens. They were pretty healthy, nice and fluffy, I didn't find any predator marks on them. What could be the problem? Is it because of the sudden change in weather? But the first one that died had been in the coop during winter with the others, so it had experienced the change in weather.
It's starting to get warm here in Minnesota, no more winter, but yesterday and today I found two dead chickens. They were pretty healthy, nice and fluffy, I didn't find any predator marks on them. What could be the problem?
Sorry for your loss. :(

No, in my experience change in weather does not kill birds and nor do they randomly die in close proximity either time or space.

Too many missing details... age, gender, breed, location found, body position, flock dynamics, new additions, how many birds in how much space, how long have you had them, any new additions? What type of shelter? What is fed including treats and supplements?

To get your most accurate answers I suggest refrigerate the bodies and contact your state vet to see about getting necropsies, often free or affordable to back yard keepers... Links to help including contact information...
How to Send a Bird for a Necropsy

State poultry labs

My dogs can kill a chicken without leaving a mark... but they usually do leave wet feathers. Did you happen to take pics? Dogs also don't kill one at a time.. but mention it just as informational. Something can be really easy to miss. But some answers might help us help you hone in on possibilities of what took place. :hugs

Hope the rest of your birds are thriving! :fl
Thank you! Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture but both chickens were lying on their backs. I would say they were both about 2.5 years old and were hens in a flock of at least 10

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