
  1. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Sudden lameness, obvious distress

    Yesterday morning I found my 3.5 year old hen on the bottom of the coop. When I looked at the camera footage, I saw she had been there since 3 or 4 am. I brought her inside. I was able to bring her to the vet in the morning, where she suddenly decided to stand, much to my surprise. Her air sacs...
  2. Chickenwithnobrim

    Bird with few symptoms drops dead

    Hi, my beloved ameraucana just died suddenly, im hoping i can send for necropsy. she was having some respitory symptoms for almost a week -slight wheezing, sudden cough that came on this morning- but was eating and behaving normally, she even jumped up to bed like normal this evening, and my...
  3. BerthaBoo

    emergency - hen suddenly can't stand, head tremors, lethargic

    Hi all, Found a hen sitting down outside 20 minutes ago. 2 hours ago she was fine. She can't stand, when I tried to support her she seems super weak and floppy. Her comb is turning purple and she's having head tremors and breathing very heavily. What could be going on? I do have a mareks...
  4. MotherOfChickenss

    Random death all found in same spot

    Hi all! For the past few months I’ve found 4 chickens dead inside the coop. 3/4 have all been found in the same corner of their coop. At first I didn’t think much of it as my girls are getting old but today I found the third one in the same spot. As far as pests, I’ve never witnessed anything...
  5. T

    3 Goslings suddenly passed

    Looking for thoughts on what might be causing unusual gosling deaths. Had 6 goslings in total, gave 2 away and they are doing good, still have 1 and is thriving and 3 suddenly died. All are a week to 4 weeks old. The 4 week old gosling died today but otherwise seemed healthy. None had issues...
  6. W

    2 Week old chick w/ weak, uncooridinated legs

    I have a 2 week old Beilefelder chick that up until a couple days ago was developing normally with no issues. Suddenly her legs became very weak and uncoordinated. She seems fine otherwise. I haven't been able to find any injury, swelling, or areas that feel hotter than normal. She she is...
  7. L

    Sudden and rather concerning behaviour change in rooster

    Hello, I don’t have much experiences this is my first year having chicken and I could use some help, I want to learn and provide best life possible for my flock. My flock is one rooster and six hens. My 2 and half years old rooster changed in behaviour quite suddenly. At first I thought it is...
  8. Aprilxoxo

    Some insight in single chicks death

    About a week ago i hatch out some chicks. The last 2 to be born worried me, last couldnt stand and walk and was taken buy someone who is going to try to rehabilitate since it didnt seem to be injury. And the 2nd last bled a bit when she came out of shell. Her navel scabbed over and she was...
  9. T

    Sudden Death ;-;

    New here and sorry this had to be my first post. I’m really distraught right now and I’m trying to rationalize what happened and wondered if anyone here had this kinda thing happen. Earlier today saw that my four month old rooster silkie had been pooped on *he sleeps under the perches...
  10. G

    Chickens are randomly dying

    It's starting to get warm here in Minnesota, no more winter, but yesterday and today I found two dead chickens. They were pretty healthy, nice and fluffy, I didn't find any predator marks on them. What could be the problem? Is it because of the sudden change in weather? But the first one that...
  11. DarkWater1929

    EMERGENCY!! Uncinscious Hen - Have No Clue! 4 y/o Hen suddenly barely alive!

    My four year old jersey giant hen was fine, apparently, this morning. She and her flock free range all day, and I don't recall noticing her during the day. When I went to lock up, and do final bed check about 40 minutes ago, she was lying on her chest, just outside the door to the coop. She...
  12. T

    Sudden Death in Pullet

    Hello all, I got my first set of chicks in end of May. One of the chicks pretty early on seemed more tired then the rest. Something was off. Then eventually it sounded wheezy and almost like coughing and then died at about 5 weeks. All of the other chicks were fine. An emergency vet friend...
  13. Henrybelle

    Stopped laying eggs!

    I have seven assorted hens and my rockstar layer a red sexlink who has laid an egg almost everyday since she came into lay almost a year ago has stopped laying she is otherwise still acting normal should I be concerned? It’s been almost a week since her last egg! Her food is the same she appears...
  14. rascal66

    Sudden death in 2mo chick?

    Last night when I was getting ready to bring the chicks into the coop, I found one dead. It had just very recently died as the body was still very warm and limp. The chicks were all eating and drinking and acting just fine. What in the world caused him to suddenly die?? I'm worried for the other...
  15. onyx2011

    Sudden Death, Thick Orange Slime on Beak?

    My blue marans rooster suddenly died, and he's around 7 or 8 months old. I found him this morning when I returned from trig class and he's completely stiff, eyes shut. There is this weird orange slime that seems to have coagulated all over his beak. I've had him and my hen locked up for the past...
  16. Elsveta641

    Chickens under 2 months dropping like flys,no noticeable symptoms

    Birds affected: None of the birds are younger than 1 week or older than 2 months who die. 5 different breeds in 3 seperate buildings. Birds came from 3 different sources(vaccinated Murrays Hatchery boilers, Goldfeather Farm, my own hatches.) Symptoms: They show no symptoms then suddenly become...
  17. Clifton sanders

    Urgent Response Requested: Silkie pullet found lifeless in coop.

    On Tuesday I found her lifeless in the pen. She was just fine 3 hours ago. The other 7 were just fine. and still are. She is alive but basically limp in my arms. I have been able to get food down her and some liquids. Limited Tuesday but more on Wedn and Thursday. She will swallow any food...
  18. Hensandchickens2196

    3 week old chick suddenly ill!!

    I have five 3 week old chicks, they are white leghorn/americuana. I hatched them all myself. They have all been very active, eating, and drinking just fine, but today one of them suddenly has become kind of lethargic, its eyes are closed, seems to be breathing fine (maybe a little fast)...
  19. SizzleQueen

    Dead Cochin / Runny green poo

    I'm at a complete loss for one of my hens today. Perfectly healthy beautiful girl and happened to be my favorite... yesterday she was fine and active and sweet as ever, this morning when I went to let them out I noticed she was laying down (I thought she was laying her first egg) but I noticed...
  20. laurenluckyriri

    My duck suddenly died

    Hey everyone. So this week I lost a duck to a fox when they were free ranging in the evening (not sure why it didn't kill all 4 of my ducks, but I saw the fox coming back shortly after) so since then I was nervous and I kept them fenced in in their coop. The one that was killed had seemed off...
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