
12 Years
Feb 15, 2012
Hey mates 🖐

I have a few random threads I update time to time, but thought it'd be nice to have a catch-all thread with no specific focus. I find myself checking BYC at work each morning.. so Good Morning BYC and welcome to my cup of joe ☕☕☕
My other threads consist mainly of my crele ameraucana project and my muscadine wine. I'll keep updating them but Im sure I'll have some cross posting here too 🤟


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Took the day off to catch up on work around house.. noticed a small outbreak of mites yesterday evening in a coop.. its been raining a lot here in west TN with not any dry spells in over a month. My property holds moisture well so its perfect for housing mites.. Guess it was a good day to take off work. Have around 45-50 birds on property, about to spray coops with Talstar P and medicate all the birds with ivermectin pour-on then repeat next week. Hopefully I'll still have time to rerack my wine this afternoon 🤞🤞 cheers
Got the Talstar P on all the coops & chicken tractors, washed out 2 brooders, gunna let them dry before I put Talstar on them tomorrow. Had to take a break after cleaning coops to let them dry out, gunna head back out in an hour and administer ivermectin, and give a round of corid while Im at it.. had a suspicious poop in one of the tractors and with all this rain I wanna stay on thr safe side.
Got all the coops treated and everyone medicated, ended up staying out after dark to finish. I have one small coop with a silver ameraucana pair to treat then it should be smooth sailing til I repeat the ivermectin next week. Almost daylight about to start mowing, should be an easy work week 🙃
Got below freezin a few nights this week had to put boards around openings in coops til batten tape came in. Batten tape came in yesterday evening so Ima winterize them tomorrow. Been a busy week kids, wife, and myself all got a cold so had to postpone wine racking til tomorrow. Been thinking about my winter projects, got a breeding house and a shed reno I need to complete which will give me roughly 20 bantam breeding pens. But gotta lotta trees I need to finish cuttin up and hauling off before I begin.
Our colds havent gotten any better but I gotta winterize these coops today 😢 and gotta rack this wine, think ima focus on coops this morning and wine this evening..
I'd really like to work outside today, but have family coming over. So winterizing is on hold. Most likely I will be doing it when its freezing outside.
We had 3 nights of freezin temps so I knew it needed to get done, finally finished though until next year! Do you have a lot to winterize? I had 5 chicken tractors and a coop, the rest of the coops are made winter ready 🤟

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