
  1. B

    Mushrooms causing neurological issues?

    I’ve been posting on here about my chicken that is having balance and coordination issues, falling down. I just was in her favorite foraging area and found this mushroom that appears to have been nibbled on. Does anyone know anything about mushrooms and if this could have caused it? She’s been...
  2. ShrekDawg

    Do you like MUSHROOMS!?!??!!

    Yes or no .
  3. J

    Lawn mushrooms, safe for chickens?

    Hello, I’ve got a flock of 5 birds, 3 chickens 2 ducks. I’ve got hundreds of tiny mushrooms popping up in my lawn and I’m worried it may not be safe for the chickens to eat them. Just curious to know what folks have seen or done with lawns riddled with mushrooms.
  4. ChickenLeg

    ChickenLeg's Cup of Joe Thread

    Hey mates 🖐 I have a few random threads I update time to time, but thought it'd be nice to have a catch-all thread with no specific focus. I find myself checking BYC at work each morning.. so Good Morning BYC and welcome to my cup of joe ☕☕☕
  5. Ineke9909

    My rooster ate a wild mushroom

    Should i be worried? Do they know what is safe and isn’t? Before i could stop him he gulped down a small brown mushroom, we’ve had so much rain lately.
  6. P

    Leftover question

    I have some leftover baked rigatoni that has button mushrooms in it. Is it ok to feed this to my girls?
  7. katiebrock


    It has been rainy here, and my ducks are currently running around the yard eating mushrooms very excitedly. Is it ok for them to eat mushrooms? They are just little white mushrooms that pop up when it is moist.
  8. SniperGoose

    Can geese eat Morel mushrooms?

    We've recently had some Morel mushrooms growing in our yard, and my mother wanted to feed them to my 2 Toulouse geese. I know those mushrooms are fine for people, but will they harm my geese? Thanks!
  9. lazy gardener

    growing mushrooms

    My wine caps are growing in the area I spawned under the bean trellis. This is my first adventure in growing mushrooms. Pretty exciting. But, I want to ensure that I have a crop available next year, also. I have no idea if they are hardy from one year to the next in my nasty cold climate...
  10. NorthTexasWink

    Mushrooms in run - dangerous?

    I've had several different types of mushrooms pop up in the area of my new chicken run (coop and run still under construction) and I would bet they will return at some point after the hens take up residence. Do I need to be concerned? Some are bright red, which I associate with danger. Some...
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