Chicken with a dirty bum?


In the Brooder
Jul 3, 2021
I have a chicken (around 2y.o.) in my flock of 4 that has started to lose her neck feathers and the feathers on her back end are getting very dirty. Noticed loss of neck feathers and dirty bum a few days ago (we just had a heat wave for 3 days, around 100F). Her behavior is still normal, eating and drinking as usual.

1. I'm wondering if the heat stressed her out and she started to molt? Or is it something else to be concerned about?

2. Also wondering if her dirty bum is vent gleet as well and best way to treat if so?

Thank you for your help!

Uploaded photos on imgur because the website wouldn't let me upload the photos directly:
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I'm sorry you're having trouble.
Can you upload your photos here? I'm not seeing them.

Give your hen a wash up and see if there's any white discharge that smells like yeast, that would be a good indicator that her issue is Vent Gleet.
I see them now.
Neck feathers looks like there some new growth coming in, but a few look irriated and pecked at. Could be the beginning of molt.

Vent, she's just dirty. Has some poop balls hung in the feathers below the vent.
Those can be a challenge to get off at times. I've found that crushing them with a pair of pliers works well - CAREFUL not to tug or pull when they are that close to the vent since the skin tears easily. Once you get them crushed, you can generally crumble most of those off. Better to do it dry than wetting, then you have a mucky mess. After you get all that crumbled off, is she needs a washing, then soak her in a warm tub of water. You can use a very small amount of mild soap (like baby shampoo) if you wish, but rinse well.

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