Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Hi Im Sheila and I am an animalholic. We started with 2 dogs a Chihuahua and white german shepherd then got a rat terrier to breed with my chi but she bit him on the head first day and he wouldnt have anything to do with her. Then my son brought home a cocker spaniel that was being abused. Then our ratty died so we got Ren a lab/bloodhound mix then other son wanted a dog so we got Maxx a basset mix. Then our shepherd died (old age) And baby found us a boston terrier/boxer mix. so that left us 4 the DD started on Hampsters got 2 one died. Then got Rats now has 10. Then we started on Chickens. Got 2 for Mothers Day needed more so got 6 more. Then wanted different kinds so got 6 more 5 ended up roos got 2 more that ended up roos, ordered 10 from Ideal but they died in shipping so got 4 more 1 roo then got 7 more 1 roo then got 9 more 2 roos. have found homes for all but 4 roos 2 we are keeping maybe 3 if my barnyard mixes are bantam which I think they are. We aslo have 2 ducks assortided pond fish and 2 turtles. I really dont think I have a problem. No animal horder here
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Maybe that's where we need to start off...we started with one dog. It went south from there. Pheasants, ducks, goats, and mini horses are now on my list of "other animals" to get. Plus I have 34 more silkie eggs in the bator.
Hi, I am Skittlez and have a rainbow of anilmals. 5 dogs, 2 cats, 4 horse, 2 ducks, 1 goose, and 15... no 20 something chickens and a hotel booked for Ohio Nationals. How many pet porters can I strap to the roof of a Honda Civic to bring home my new chickies?
Hi, I'm Matthew
I started the addiction because I wanted to bring in some extra income to our family. When I went to buy some chickesn I was going to get 10 RIR's.. I came home with 4 different breeds of chickens. It just went from there. I now have 63 chickens and really want to get into banties...


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