Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Quote: are just getting started!
well, my name is prov31 gal and it all started when a friend asked me to get some red sexlinks at the tsc store one day while i was out.
then somehow we ended up with with 4 little buff orpingtom chicks, just for fun , you know.
but then the high wore off and suddenly buff orpingtons just werent doing it any more so i moved onto the harder stuff, you know, light brahmas, cochins, things like that.
i thought i could quit, but before i knew it i was into top hats and then it all just spirald out of controll from there. now im ordering hatchery surprises and , and hatchery pick assortments!
my husband is also affected as now most of his time is spent building more and more coops and runs, converting old dog housed in to chicken houses and now ive passed the addiction on to my 12 yearold daughter who has her own flock of silver laced sad, she never even had a chance.
Ba ha ha ha!!! LOVE IT!!! I've "let" my kids have 2 of their own DD gets the Lav Ameraucanas, and my son ALL of the silkies! That means I need more for "me". I will be getting my first polish this weekend...and when I say first, I mean several of each color! This is ridiculous!
My name is luvmypeeps and I AM A chickenholic and it all started last chick day at TSC, DH looked and said awwww and I said nomore animals. Untill I walked over to tub and...... well, that was that I bought 11 sexlink pullets, Lost one to a dog, Now I CAN"T STOP!!! We have 10 sexlinks, 1 Sussex Roo, 1 Aracauna Roo, 5 Blue Ameracauna hens, 2BR hens, 11 hatching eggs in bator, and I am getting my first Silkies next week 7 of those. My DH told me last night that he has created a monster and he's right. I have fallen in love with all my chickens and I CANT GET ENOUGH! Chicken math......Ha Ha Ha. There will never be enough peeps. Sad part is we have two 10 yr old sons who yes are now addicted I gave them my BR girls so now I fell the urdge to get MORE! One 6yr old DD who is waiting soooo patiently for her Silkie, and an 18 month old son who loves them just as much. So I figure by next spring we WILL be overun with peeps. DH built nice BIG brooder for my laundry room just so I can incubate all winter. Hmmmm what was he thinking??

I'm definitely addicted! 50-some chickens, six ducks, three guinea fowl, seven coturnix, a chukar, sixteen eggs in the incubator and my serama hen hatching more, and yet I always have a list of birds I want to add to the flock! It's terrible! I'm afraid to see what happens next time I go to PPBA (Stockton show), last year I spent over $200 and brought home nine birds!

I keep getting dog kennel panels to add more space, and I'm constantly eying all kinds of things going "Hmmm, could I turn that into a chicken coop or run?"

I have chickens in my room, chickens in the fenced backyard, chickens in the garage, chickens in their coop, chickens in a dog kennel, going to put more chickens in another dog kennel... And so on!

People don't understand how downright addictive chickens are until they've been there. I'm glad so many people on this forum have a chicken "problem," too.
i dont think i can do the math i want more than i can even handle i have 23 right now but i can easily get to 100s and they all have names and i can actually recite them no matter when or how many times you ask me. im going into quail now ITS NOT HEALTHY. im losing it. i like my birds more then i like people. im one addict that doesnt want help
a good example of chicken is how it have 14 chickens, you take 1 beloved black bearded silkie bantam that belongs to your daughter who is 11. you subtract that 1 when it dies unexpectedly, and then promise to replace it, so you add 1 more.

14 assorted chickens - 1 black silkie + 1 replacement silkie = 4 new crested polish
im going to end up on that show, animal hoarders. but the chickens wont be sick or dying, and then all the therapists on the show will buy some of my chickens becaise of all the pretty egg colors, and then ill have to get more to replace them, and it will be an ever going cycle.

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