Chicken Poop with Pink Urate


Bambrook Bantams
6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Forrest Beach, FNQ, Australia
Not sure if this classifies as an Emergency/Disease/Injury etc but I was not sure where else to post it.

I had a bit of a scare this morning which had me reaching for the Google Search .. someone, I believe Dusty [2 and a half year old Bantam Langshan], deposited poop with pink urates overnight. No liquid blood, just these pink urates which we have never had before.

Google seems to indicate that coral urates are normal and can happen overnight but I will be keeping a very close eye on them all. They did have some tomato yesterday which may have been the cause but of course there is always those underlying scary things like pancreatic disease, maldigestion or malabsorption .. but as the general consensus is that it is normal; besides moulting, Dusty appears happy and healthy and the poop was solid and normal in all aspects besides the pink urate, I will not hit the panic button [yet

So, I thought I would share a picture of the pink urate not only for future reference but also to see if others have seen this and if I should be concerned. Photographed with a normal poop for comparison [PS the couple of white specs are chicken dander, the poop had been brushed into a pan along with other 'bits' from the floor. The girls were wormed on 9th June this year]:

So, I shall just add this to the list of ways my gals have found to freak me out!

“Look Mum, we can:

  1. Go through a hard moult and lose nearly all our feathers in the 8 hours you are at work so you come home and think we have been attacked.
  2. Deposit caecal poops which cause you to think something has died when you open the coop door.
  3. Deposit broody poops which cause you to think at least 100 somethings has died when you open the coop door.
  4. Develop sour crop.
  5. Lay a soft shelled egg which breaks and retain some.
  6. Develop a limp.
  7. Get stuck in a climbing vine.
  8. Hide somewhere and not come when you call us.”

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So, I shall just add this to the list of ways my gals have found to freak me out!

“Look Mum, we can:

  1. Go through a hard moult and lose nearly all our feathers in the 8 hours you are at work so you come home and think we have been attacked.
  2. Deposit caecal poops which cause you to think something has died when you open the coop door.
  3. Deposit broody poops which cause you to think at least 100 somethings has died when you open the coop door.
  4. Develop sour crop.
  5. Lay a soft shelled egg which breaks and retain some.
  6. Develop a limp.
  7. Get stuck in a climbing vine.
  8. Hide somewhere and not come when you call us.”


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