Chicken lethargic, watery, bubbly, cloudy pink stained poop.


Free Ranging
Aug 19, 2020
Kitsap, WA
My Brahma that I just cleaned off yesterday is not well. She had caked on poop, and now feathers are trimmed. Her poop is watery, and now some reddish pink staining, urate threads. She isn't interested in eating. Has drank water. I have her inside. She is lethargic, separated herself from flock yesterday and this morning. Her crop was pretty empty except for the water she drank, and a little gas which came up when I massaged it. Nothing hard in her belly, not straining. Eyes, nares, vent look normal. Occasionally breathes through her mouth, open beak, no gurgling or gasping. She had some Greek yogurt and a little bit of cracked corn last night, but hasn't eaten since. She is 1.5 years old.
How should I proceed with treatments, what kind? I have amprolium, albendazole, fenbendazole. Her water has sugar, salt, baking soda (electrolyte solution)


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You can go ahead and start her on the amprolium and a wormer in case. Doing the two together won't hurt her.

I would also start her on an antibiotic if you have any on hand.

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