Chicken math is calling!

You are SO funny and SO speaking my same language. I DO blame my child for going off to College. I had already started to collect small and medium sized animals but it hit that new level with him gone and then there is the chicken lady at my local store who always reminds me, well you might lose one so you should increase that number by 1. Well 1 equals 2 in my world yet......... I've NEVER lost one. I mean later, but I've never lost a chick. But I do have to pre-plan for that inevitable loss, I mean I wouldn't want to be left in a lurch.... All of my friends and nieghbors like the free egg distributions that are the end result of just 2 people with 12, 13 or maybe 15 or 17 chickens. :lau

P.S. Oh gawd those chicks are SO CUTE!!! Helllllllllp.
You are SO funny and SO speaking my same language. I DO blame my child for going off to College. I had already started to collect small and medium sized animals but it hit that new level with him gone and then there is the chicken lady at my local store who always reminds me, well you might lose one so you should increase that number by 1. Well 1 equals 2 in my world yet......... I've NEVER lost one. I mean later, but I've never lost a chick. But I do have to pre-plan for that inevitable loss, I mean I wouldn't want to be left in a lurch.... All of my friends and nieghbors like the free egg distributions that are the end result of just 2 people with 12, 13 or maybe 15 or 17 chickens. :lau

P.S. Oh gawd those chicks are SO CUTE!!! Helllllllllp.
lol. My very first time getting chickens is where I learned that 1=2, and I blame my husband for putting that idea in my head. I don’t think he knew the monster he was creating when he said “we should get some chickens to run around in the woods to eat bugs/ticks”
*Cough* 50 plus in the yard and 50 in the incubator.....and 24 hatching eggs to be shipped 2nd week in April.

I need them for a project.....🥰
I believe the key word here is EXPECTED. Might want to think about adding a few just to make sure you get what you are looking for.

Ok I know I’m an enabler- I’m working on it, I promise.
Dorm food is universally terrible. If your college-bound children have access to a kitchen, they might still appreciate the occasional care package of fresh eggs.

Adorable! ❤️

But…and I acknowledge I’m not an expert…I’m not seeing any Marans?

You should go back and get some. 😉
Yeah, I didn’t see any marans in their bin, but I was already there and looking for a long time so I HAD to leave with something!😆
Chicken math has hit me to
Started with 5 as town ordinance, now i can have 8.
Realized mixed breeds couldnt be shown and knew someone looking for a started flock.
Then i got 5 more, but one was rehomed for eating eggs.
So then i started hatching.
First batch didnt do well
Second i got 6 out of 7, 4 were males and one passed.
Third only one chick made it.
Fourth hatch,which is my current im pretty sure 3 out of 5 are cockerels.

So now i need to hatch more cause im still at 5.
You guys should be so proud of me! I did not go to the store at 7:00 this morning.

I waited until 10:00!😆 oops🤷🏻‍♀️
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Ok I’m really done now. No more chicks this year.
Lol So funny!

I lost my flock of 31 (I had gotten rid of my last two roos a week or so prior) to raccoons figuring out my auto door during a storm January 3rd. I had a dozen eggs from my flock in the incubator but I was initially hatching them for someone else. I hatched 7 so the lady I was hatching them for agreed we should split them (she'd initially offered to let me keep them all since I'd lost my babies). My frizzle rooster was obviously dominant and 4 of the 7 are frizzy. She agreed to raise them while I modified my coop and hatched a batch of eggs from a friend that I'd gotten hatching eggs from before - and close to half my flock was from eggs from her. Anyway, those eggs hatched and we had 8 babies so I kept 6 and gave my first friend 2. She was looking forward to getting the chicks out of her house so I took my four older ones from her and she took her two from me.

Fast forward a few weeks and I've got all my chickens safely ensconced in my coop 24/7 now - plus 4 I bought from a local breeder so I could get one laying age hen and a couple other breeds I'd wanted but I mostly prefer barnyard mix. I now was back up to 14 birds. I go to church the next Sunday after finally putting away the incubator and cleaning out the brooder box to get it ready to go back outside...and my second friend turns around, hands me a bag with 18 eggs in it, and says I brought you more hatching eggs! Lol. They're due to start hatching Sunday and once they're done hatching my daughter and I will see if there's any bantams in stock at the feed store to raise with them and then we're honestly done with chicks until we're hatching ones just from our flock ;)

Of course out of all this I was able to get my coop remodeling done that I'd wanted to do anyway and now I have 4 built-in brooder cages so I can raise my own babies and after my daughter learned I'd paid $40 for a 4-month old hen she wants to be in charge of that aspect to earn some money buy selling layers.
Y'all don't even know how funny you are. I have come to the conclusion, through careful scientific experimentation and much trial and error, that it takes at least 25 hens and a rooster to maintain control of ticks and chiggers on our property and not one bird less. Four? Seven? Pleeeeeze! Less than 20 and the bugs would eat the chickens!
Thankfully the bugs are not quite that bad at my place…it might have to do with the fact that I have convinced neighbors to have their own natural pest control units installed…

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