Chicken attacked by dog


Apr 19, 2020
My silkie was attacked by a dog last night. I didn't see it happen, but the owner called me and when I got to the chicken she was on her back and almost totally featherless. I took her to an emergency vet and amazingly there are no serious puncture wounds (it looks like she was plucked or as the vet said, de-gloved, but no punctures) and she could stand and walk. I was sure her back was broken, but I guess she was in shock or scared to roll over? She is on amoxicillin and pain medication. This morning she ate scrambled eggs, drank lots of water, and seems bright. She is in my laundry room. How long should I wait to put her back in with the 5 others? Will they peck at her featherless body? They are all quite gentle with no obvious pecking order so I don't think she would have a hard time eating and drinking, but I know she is sore so I don't want her having to go up and down the ramp, etc. But I am also worried the flock will "forget" her if she doesn't return in a certain time frame...does that happen?

Thank you for any tips!
Can you portion off part of your coop or run so part of the time they can see each other but not touch or maybe a big dog crate?
If you put her back to soon, the other birds could injure her worse or kill her. Once chickens see a wound, they will pretty much just follow the injured one around and peck them bloody. If you can, place her in a pen or crate in the run so they can see her, but not get to her. She needs to fully heal before they can interact with her again.

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