Chicken attacked by dog she seems normal all but her breathing


Feb 20, 2024
I have an 11 month old hen (I'm not sure of her bread) who I believe was attacked by a dog. She has a scrap on her upper leg and a puncture hole by her hip. She stretches her neck out and opens her mouth to breath. I do not feel any broken bones. I cleaned her wounds, used wound spray and let it dry then applied plain Neosporin. She is secluded in my room in a portable dog crate. She's very alert and will drink her electrolyte water if I dip her beak in the water. Please help! I will try to attach the video for reference. No luck on the video
Is her crop full? That stretching of the neck and opening her mouth can be a normal thing for chickens. You say she's alert and will drink. Other than the mouth opening, is she acting normal?
Her crop is empty. Here is a picture of her when I opened the crate to give her water


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Her lungs are at the top of her back. If you're not familiar with the location, do a search in google for chicken lungs, and then click Images to see pictures of the location of the lungs. Do you see any puncture wounds under the back feathers where the lungs are?
I only found the one pucture. If there is one there what should I do?
If there is one, take her to the vet. If there isn't one, the mouth opening thing might be unrelated to the attack. If she's acting normal other than the mouth opening, she likely is normal, except for the wounds you described.
If there is one, take her to the vet. If there isn't one, the mouth opening thing might be unrelated to the attack. If she's acting normal other than the mouth opening, she likely is normal, except for the wounds you described.
I forgot to mention she's wheezing some too
I'm sorry I didn't reply back last night. I fell asleep. So she is acting normal and is walking around but still has the breathing issue. Her wound looks closed and she's drinking on her own. I'm not able to take her to the vet so I'm torn between "she's going to pull through" and "end her suffering". My husband feels I should dispatch her. I just don't know.
Good thread on a dog bite injury:

Post in thread 'Warning, graphic photo - My chicken was attacked, wounded and not sure how this will turn out.'

Yours is better off than in this case, but the resources are helpful, like the antibiotic recommendation to prevent infection and the anatomy diagram.

If a chicken is eating and drinking I'm inclined to help them fight, but that's just my personal guideline on when I cull vs. treat. Wishing you all the best whatever you decide. I'm so sorry this happened to your hen... *hugs*

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