Chick with unusual wings


Premium Feather Member
9 Years
May 27, 2015
The pictures tell the story. Both wings are like this. The other chicks same breed, have 'normal' looking wings.
Are they just long feathers? Is it something like angel wing in ducks? Is it an issue?
Wingside2 (3 of 1).jpg Wings back (3 of 1).jpg Chicks are about a week old.
Wingside (3 of 1).jpg

wing (3 of 1).jpg
I think they are just longer feathers. And maybe only a single one. :confused:

I don't know of angel wing being able to happen in chickens. But did see one of my hatchery chicks last year develop a temporary turn out that looked much more like AW than what I'm seeing here.

That feather obviously grew faster than the others, so maybe it's heavier and just doesn't have the right other stuff filling in the weird look of it yet. Maybe an early developer!

I think you're just trying to kill us with cute chick over load! :love

But really... I wouldn't be to worried... but might as well ask what you are feeding including treats and supplements? What breed anyways? I'm not familiar with these little cuties and their big nostrils. :p
But really... I wouldn't be to worried... but might as well ask what you are feeding including treats and supplements? What breed anyways? I'm not familiar with these little cuties and their big nostrils. :p

Okay, good. I saw it flap its wings and they work normally.
They get fermented Purina Flock Raiser and some of the same is offered dry... No treats yet. I gave them a plug of sod to help them develop immunity to cocci.
They are Appenzeller Spitzhauben....
thanks for your reply!
I gave them a plug of sod to help them develop immunity to cocci.
I love a plug from the yard to help develop "other" immunity... but if it's in every single one of their own poos... I'm not sure that sod achieves THAT part. :confused:

I also use flock raiser though I quit fermenting. Doesn't seem like you are doing anything wrong... which I already kinda figured, having seen you around a bit. ;)

My one that looked weird also was only that way for a few days. So I'm gonna imagine it being a growth spurt, but always good to keep your eye out for thing else. Glad it seems fine. :)
If it turns out to be a permanent feature of that chicken, it's called 'split wing' and is a show fault/ DQ, as I recall. Not a bird to breed on then.
It is probably a temporary glitch, and will grow out normally in a few weeks.
Ok, thanks! They are hatchery birds, not show birds. ( I didn't think this is even a recognized breed in the USA? ) Anyway, I got them to be free rangers as this breed is supposed to be especially well suited for that. We'll see who is what and what happens w the wings....hopefully, if it's split wing, it's an extra cockerel..
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Cock-a-doodle-doo....... Roos wings grow faster, longer, heavier.....
I have had that in some of my chicks. It always fills in and they end up being roos.
I had a couple chicks do that last spring. One normaled out by adulthood. The other stayed that way. Didn't appear to be a health issue, though it can be "an issue" if you're hoping to show.
Surprise, surprise!!!! The feathers filled in overnight!! When I turned on the light in the brooder cage this morning, they all came tumbling out from under their heat thing and started flying around, and I couldn't tell which chick it was at first! Everyone has normal wings! The feathers had filled in while they were asleep! Finally I found who had the biggest wing feathers and got this pic. Both wings are filled in.
If @granny hatchet is right, and this is a boy, maybe the other 4 are all pullets, wouldn't that be nice....
The ambient temp in the room where they are is 55-65, and we are using a ceramic heat emitter which only keeps a small area warm. Yet they are out running around in the cool areas a lot of the time. On another thread someone said in this situation, feathers 'will grow in like crazy.' That may be what's happening.
Anyway, here's this morning's pic of Little Big Wings:
wing 2-10 f (3 of 1).jpg
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