Turkey Girl

5 Years
Feb 18, 2019
So, I have this French Black Copper Marans chick that had issues hatching. Once it hatched, I noticed that it doesn't seem to be able to pull one of her legs under her. Is it a slipped tendon? Is it broken? It's not splayed leg or curly toe. I have attached a picture. She just hatched a little bit ago, that's why she's wet. She is still in the incubator and she is the only chick in there. She seems to be peeping in pain. She has been able to kick the injured leg. Please tell me what I can do for her?
Was your incubator too hot or humidity too high at some point? I don't think they can be born with slipped tendon.
Her other foot looks off too.
Giver some time, she's never walked before. If she doesn't get use if it in a few hours, you need to prevent her suffering.
She is able to kick both legs and she can walk a little. She had to be assisted hatching because she was stuck in the membrane. I had to help my oldest Roo hatch and he is fine. She keeps flipping over and she can't stay the right way very long. She always ends up upside-down. What can I do for her? She doesn't seem in pain anymore.
She is perfectly fine!:) I don't know what happened, but she was very sticky from the membrane. I think that her fluff was stuck to her leg and she couldn't walk. I wiped her off with a warm rag and she is fluffed up and playing with the other chicks. I don't have much luck with chicks, so I'm really excited about this! Thank you for all your help!
She is perfectly fine!:) I don't know what happened, but she was very sticky from the membrane. I think that her fluff wat stuck you her leg and she couldn't walk. I wiped her off with a warm rag and she is fluffed up and playing with the other chicks. I don't have much luck with chicks, so I'm really excited about this! Thank you for all your help!
Glad to hear that she is ok!!
Here is an update on how he is doing (we just recently discovered it is a roo). He can walk fine now but is just a little smaller than the other chicks. He is a little younger than them, so we're not too worried. I'm not sure what happened, but I'm really glad he is okay.

Thank you all for helping!

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