slipped tendon

  1. ElGoose

    Gosling not walking again :^( what do I do

    This is the same gosling who couldn’t walk last time - I saw in the cameras that a magpie tried to get him and assumed he was in shock but it’s happened again today! Is it possibly a slipped tendon? I’ve seen that’s quite common in goslings apparently but I’m not sure how to treat it :^(
  2. W

    Slipped tendon?

    This chick hatched about 8 hours ago. One of the legs is stuck up. It is trying to stand and cannot. Is there a way to fix this? The toes are all fully developed.
  3. A

    Splayed Legs or Slipped Tendon - wild chick

    I live in Barbados where there are lots of wild chickens. I found a tiny chick on my driveway which had been left by the flock as it couldnt walk. It was waddling on it's hocks, which are red/sore with a cut on. I currently have it on a chick chair (for approx 12 hours) which seems to be...
  4. MGG


    I've gotten slipped tendon in my ducks a few times over the past couple years, and I've always spent a bunch of money on trying to splint it and do meds. No matter what I've tried it just never works. They end up dying from stress or complications from it. Well, I think I've finally found a way...
  5. H

    7 week old chick with leg issues

    I have a group of 7 week old chicks that have recently moved outside (it’s really hot here so the temperatures are okay). I had some issues with splayed leg in the past but by this point they were all looking healthy. About a week ago we noticed that one chick had some leg issues. Unfortunately...
  6. S

    Duckling slipped tendon?

    Is this a slipped tendon? And is it at both the hock and the foot? This duckling has had problems with this leg from the start, and either I couldn't see this before or it's somehow been injured since then. Some kind of developmental defect happened because that back toe is completely missing...
  7. H

    Baby chick sitting down a LOT

    Hobbles is now a week and two days. He’s a fair bit behind the other two chicks in size but has definitely plumped up over the last three days since he started walking and accessing food and water independently. Our worry is today we noticed he’s sitting down a lot. Or at least what feels like...
  8. D

    Slipped tendon

    Hey everyone, I have a chicken with a with a slip tendon , I thought he just sprained His leg So I Splinted it. He cannot walk on his leg at all And does not want me to touch it. Is there a way I can sedate him and straighten that tendon out, to splint it properly? I tried With him awake and...
  9. H

    Baby chick can’t move foot and toes

    Hi all. Not sure if I’m at the end of the line here but can’t seem to find any experience if this anywhere else online… 5 day old chick appeared to have curled toes and splayed leg on one leg (curled toes has rectified and I think the splay has mostly repaired. The other leg was constantly...
  10. H

    How to clean baby chick face?

    I’ve got a five day old chick I’m hand reading to try and save from a slipped tendon. Because he’s been unable to walk he wasn’t feeding or drinking on his own. He’s now starting to peck at chick crumb independently which is great. My problem is that for the last two days I’ve been offering...
  11. H

    I’m desperate please help.

    I have zero experience chicken rearing but my school did a school hatch this week. All 8 seemed ok but then 1 we came into work yesterday morning to see wasn’t standing and couldn’t walk. My basic knowledge from being in a chicken group on Facebook suggested it looked like splayed leg, although...
  12. E

    Treating perosis/slipped tendon in chicks - vet visits

    Hey guys, I just wanted to do some knowledge sharing. I just lost my first chick today, she died during a vet performed surgery from heart failure. Some chicks with perosis also have heart problems and there was also the additional risk with her being only 4 weeks old. She was a runt, about...
  13. F

    Chick with slipped tendon 3 weeks old

    Hi everyone. After researching I finally figured out my chick has a slipped tendon. She is a bantam chick and is 3 weeks old now. I initially thought it was splayed leg so I taped her legs up but now know it is slipped tendon. I can feel the tendon on the inside of her hock instead of the back...
  14. F

    Chick with injured leg. Not sure what

    I have a 1 week chick with something wrong with it’s leg. Looked like splayed leg so I used vetwrap to straighten out. Upon further inspection I’m not sure if it’s splayed leg. I was thinking either slipped tendon or dislocated or it could be splayed leg. I’ve never dealt with any of these so...
  15. B

    Splay leg

    Hello. It’s my first time raising chicks. One of them developed splay leg but by the time I realized it she was already very weak from not eating enough. I hand fed her for couple days until she regained some strength and put a splint on her but she is still not walking very much. She can stand...
  16. S

    Sebastopol Gosling limping on knobby knee

    My 2 week old gosling is limping on his right leg and the knee/ankle joint is knobby and protruding unlike the others. What is it and what to do? Slipped tendon? Dislocated? Should it be splinted? Please help! Thanks 💗
  17. R

    3 week old chick with possible slipped tendon

    Hello everyone, this is my first time raising chicks and we got them a couple of days ago. They asked me if I wanted one with a deformity that might not make it and I said yes. She eats and drinks water perfectly fine, she doesn’t walk around too much though and doesn’t really play with the...
  18. Heartsopenwide

    Slip tendon splinting

    I have a Swedish Flower Hen Pullet with a suspected slipped tendon. She is walking on the top of her foot all balled up. She is eat, drinking, and otherwise acting normal. Any suggestions on what to do for her?
  19. M

    New Rescue Chick: Leg Issues - Not what i thought!

    Yesterday, I took little road trip to pick up the little cross sweetie attached. I was originally told that she had, and had been getting treated for spraddle leg. I got a few grainy pictures (which I now get, having had to try and get a picture of her) and thought it looked more like slipped...
  20. ryneaeiel

    Slipped Tendon?

    Hi! I have an emu chick, Mundy, that's about two and a half weeks old. I'd tried for nearly two years to hatch emu eggs, and this is my second chick. The first, Peep, injured his neck at two weeks old and was too far in shock for the vet to do anything, so we had to put him down. Naturally, I'm...
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