Chick with bloody stool--HELP

The most common cause is coccidiosis in a chick that age and it can kill fairly quickly. Treating with Corid, which is concentrated amprolium, a thiamine blocker, is the best treatment. Sometimes, they shed a bit of intestinal lining, but that is not as bloody looking as cocci usually is.
My two-month old chick has had blood in her stool for the past few hours, but I can't get to any medicine. What can I give her if I can't give her medicine? She's been sleepy all day and i'm watching her to keep her alive. Lots of water and food are helping. Rest is good too.
You can't really give her anything other than a thiamine blocker like Corid. If you have plain yogurt (zero sugar or flavoring), you could offer that to soothe her intestines or other probiotics, but you need to get Corid or Cocci-Rid. That is something you need to have on hand if you raise chicks.
Update on my one chick:
I got the Corid 9.6 liquid meds from Coastal Farm and Ranch. I also got a smaller waterer for all of them so I could measure it correctly. I wanted to treat all as I didn't know if all had been infected yet or not.
I started them all on it yesterday morning. I got the droopy one, put her little beak in the water off and on until she would drink a bit. I would leave her alone for about 15min., doing it again, then again. By the afternoon, and I mean just a few hours, she was perking up, eating and drinking on her own, which she wouldn't do earlier in the morning. At the same time that I got the meds and small waterer, I also got the medicated chick grower/starter, which I had no idea would have been good in the first place. So, I tossed the old and came in with the new and have been keeping an eye on them continuously.
It was warm yesterday, but I kept the warming light on and opened the two windows to their coop. It was nice in there for them, we had no breezes and their coop has shade from a pear tree. When I went to close the windows last night, they were ALL up on the next to top wrung of the roost ladder, looking out!
This morning, early, I went to the coop and they were ALL running around, eating and drinking. I found a couple poos that were very slightly bloody, not runny, not real bright in color along with some more normal parts to them. I think I have gotten it on the run. Today is day 2 of the liquid meds and plan on treating them for 5 more days, or until I no longer see any bloody poo, give or take an extra day or two. They will be treated at least 5 days as a whole, will go from there.
I will be starting a round of corrid on my baby chicks today for this reason. I will be mixing it with a 1 gallon water jug. What measurements ratio do you think I should do?

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