Chick with bloody stool--HELP

My 4 chicks have been vaccinated for the Cocci... disease, but I noticed a little bit of bloody stool. I checked all their bottoms and were clean. 3 chicks were running around this morning and the 4th was not. I am new at this and scared to death and have no idea what to do but cry. What can I do? What DO I do?
Update on my one chick:
I got the Corid 9.6 liquid meds from Coastal Farm and Ranch. I also got a smaller waterer for all of them so I could measure it correctly. I wanted to treat all as I didn't know if all had been infected yet or not.
I started them all on it yesterday morning. I got the droopy one, put her little beak in the water off and on until she would drink a bit. I would leave her alone for about 15min., doing it again, then again. By the afternoon, and I mean just a few hours, she was perking up, eating and drinking on her own, which she wouldn't do earlier in the morning. At the same time that I got the meds and small waterer, I also got the medicated chick grower/starter, which I had no idea would have been good in the first place. So, I tossed the old and came in with the new and have been keeping an eye on them continuously.
It was warm yesterday, but I kept the warming light on and opened the two windows to their coop. It was nice in there for them, we had no breezes and their coop has shade from a pear tree. When I went to close the windows last night, they were ALL up on the next to top wrung of the roost ladder, looking out!
This morning, early, I went to the coop and they were ALL running around, eating and drinking. I found a couple poos that were very slightly bloody, not runny, not real bright in color along with some more normal parts to them. I think I have gotten it on the run. Today is day 2 of the liquid meds and plan on treating them for 5 more days, or until I no longer see any bloody poo, give or take an extra day or two. They will be treated at least 5 days as a whole, will go from there.

These are my girls and their eggs now! Amazing the difference from when they were little spotted chicks! They are 6 months old now and very healthy and happy. :)
I have an 8 week old chick that seems to be fine but has long string-like pieces of blood in her poop. Is that okay? She has only done one so far.
No, that doesn't sound normal. I would start treating with the Cocci meds that you can get at your local farm store. It may start to get worse. You can tell if there is a real problem when the chick just sits and goes to sleep. They get very lethargic. I would treat all as it is very contagious. Treat for 5-7 days, recommending the full 7 days for all.
THank you so much. I will treat them. Do you know if Zamzows carries Corid or other Cocci meds?
I also looked on the chart of normal poop, and it looks like it is the second to last pic in the FIRST section. (Just to give you a picture)
Oh good. I don't know about Zamrows as we don't have one of those here in Portland, OR area. I wish you and your chicks the very best! <3
Does that mean that they don't have Cocci? All my chicks are still very energetic. Should I still treat them?
Does anyone know how many teaspoons (or ounces) of Corid should be used per 8 oz of water? The packing I'm looking at refers to doses for large animals. TIA!

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